Archive for category Canada

Proposed Telus tower in Forest Grove has mixed reviews

Telus proposing to install a 45-metre tower and compound behind Forest Grove Fire Hall BRENDAN KYLE JURE  Feb. 10, 2019 6:30 a.m. Telus’ proposal for installing a new internet and cell tower behind the fire hall on Canim-Hendrix Road in Forest Grove has a mixed response. The plan involves installing a 45-metre self-support tower structure and […]

National Security – Huawei, China’s Trojan Horse

Sent: January 27, 2019 To: ‘[email protected]’  [email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’  ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’   ‘[email protected]’ Subject: National Security – Huawei, China’s Trojan Horse Nothing is more important to any nation than its national security! It behooves all branches of […]

Legislators raise worries about cancer from 5G

    by Mike Dano |  Dec 5, 2018 4:05pm Studies continue to evaluate the effects of cellular transmissions on humans. (thodonal/iStock/Getty Images Plus)   Two federal lawmakers are raising concerns about whether new 5G technologies will cause cancer. Specifically, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., sent a letter (PDF) to FCC Commissioner Brendan […]

Keep cell tower away from town, residents urge

People living in Maberly, Ont., want Rogers to rethink tower proposal CBC News · Posted: Jan 17, 2019 5:47 AM ET | Last Updated: January 17 Some people living in Maberly, Ont., are concerned that Rogers could build a cell tower much like this one within 400 metres of their community. (Elise Amendola/The Associated Press) […]


January 15th, 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Yesterday Congresswoman Anna G. Eshoo (CA-18) introduced H.R. 530, the Accelerating Wireless Broadband Development by Empowering Local Communities Act of 2019, legislation to overturn Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations limiting the ability of local governments to regulate the deployment of 5G wireless infrastructure. “Having served in local government for […]

What’s the worst China could do with access to Canada’s 5G network?

Any hostile power with the keys to 5G systems could spy, disrupt traffic and even poison water supplies if things got nasty, warn experts. Hence all the fear about Huawei. by Aaron Hutchins Dec 19, 2018  Allowing Chinese firm Huawei Technologies to build Canada’s 5G wireless network could give Beijing backdoor access to revealing data […]

Smart Meter Fires in Quebec being Ignored

Coalition to Stop Smart Meters Subject: Update 2018-12-10   Smeter fires in Quebec being ignored –   A professional Engineer is speaking out about some of the dangers associated with the smeters. In Quebec, this issue is being ignored, just as it is in BC.  They are all hoping we will become frustrated and […]

BC HYDRO : Salt Spring

ADVISORY from Stop Smart Meters BC : People on Salt Spring report men coming to take their analogs, unannounced, no advance letter having been received, sometimes even after being promised an appointment.  The workers are workers from other areas, some working for Corix in Alberta. They are exchanging meters without turning the power off, which is […]

Elected Officials : It is critically Important that you Educate yourself about “5G” technology and realize that scientists globally want it banned!

Dear Elected Officials,
For your sake and that of all Canadians, please give this “5G” (fifth generation) technology ‘radiation’ the urgent attention it deserves! Read the Dec. 3, 2018 news release from Washington, D.C.: “U.S. Senator Blumenthal from CT and REP. Eshoo from CA, both members of the Senate Committee that oversees the FCC (Federal Communications Committee), wrote a letter to the FCC demanding PROOF that “5G”is SAFE” to humans!

Blumenthal wants FCC to prove 5G wireless technology is safe

By: ANA RADELAT | December 3, 2018 CT-N U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal speaking during a press conference about 5G wireless technology at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford on Monday. Washington – U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal is leading a campaign to determine whether new “5G” wireless technology is safe and is asking the federal government […]

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