Archive for category WHO

5G Expose´

5G is being rolled out all over the world, but information from the media about potential health risks has been sparse. The harmful effect has even been claimed to be non-existent by a long line of entities captured by BIG Tech, such as the WHO, the EU Commission, and research institutions financed by telecommunications industry. The industry plans to add millimeter wave technology to the existing 5G, and the EU Commission is about to adopt a binding proposal enabling deployment of this 5G technology by 2025.

The 5G Trojan Horse (documentary)

This 96 minute documentary will expose the truth behind the global “Race to 5G”, the health, privacy, and local power concerns, and the corruption between the Big Wireless industry and the U.S. government.

Wuhan, first province with full 5G coverage – now the center of the deadly virus

January 26, 2020 |   Isn’t it strange that the province in China, which was the first to use 5G networks and technology, has now become the center of a deadly virus that suddenly kills people on the street. What if the deaths are not a virus, but a 5G cell breakdown that mimics […]

Legislators raise worries about cancer from 5G

    by Mike Dano |  Dec 5, 2018 4:05pm Studies continue to evaluate the effects of cellular transmissions on humans. (thodonal/iStock/Getty Images Plus)   Two federal lawmakers are raising concerns about whether new 5G technologies will cause cancer. Specifically, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., and Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., sent a letter (PDF) to FCC Commissioner Brendan […]

CBC MarketPlace : The secret inside your phone   BROADCAST DATE : MAR 24, 2017 As new science fuels the debate about cellphone safety, Wendy Mesley returns for a special investigation. Wendy takes a closer look at a little known message inside your cellphone’s settings and manual telling you to keep the device 5 to 15 mm away from your body. We […]

World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill

Posted on March 14, 2017 by Baxter Dmitry   Smart meters cause a “cornucopia of health issues” for occupants of the 57 million American homes equipped with the new technology, according to the World Health Organization and   The news comes after a major university study into the “smart meter scam” revealed that the new meters […]

Electromagnetic intolerance elucidated

By André Fauteux, Editor   Jan 12, 2017 (Translated from La Maison du 21e siècle magazine, Quebec (Canada), January 2011)  In 2002, World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Gro Harlem Brundtland told journalists that microwaves emitted by cellphones made her sick, even if the phone only turned on and hidden in a pocket or purse […]

Strong criticism of the WHO report on cell phone radiation

Monica Kleja  Published December 17, 2014 15:05 Some 40 organizations deliver strong critique against report by the WHO Expert Group on the effects of mobile phone radiation and requires increased transparency of the experts. In November, a group of experts working for the World Health Organization drafted a major report that assesses health risks surrounding […]

Health Canada confused about WHO Classification

For distribution July 1, 2011.  Health Canada seems to be confused about the recent WHO/IARC classification of radio frequency electromagnetic fields as a “possible human carcinogen.” Ms Beth Pieterson (Director General, Environment and Radiation Health Services Directorate, Health Canada) stated, “We don’t know the long-term effects of Wi-Fi . . . From all evidence we […]

Why the Precautionary Principle Should but Doesn’t Apply in BC

Monday, 27 June 2011 09:15 Written by Rafe Mair There is a reason that we who want to save our environment are losing the war and may lose it outright unless we gird up our loins and fight to the death, politically speaking. The reason is simple: no government set in authority over us will apply […]

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