Archive for category Canada

Ottawa moves to close cellphone tower loophole

By Jamie Sturgeon and Jacques Bourbeau Global News   February 4, 2014 3:29 pm Ottawa is moving to close a loophole in its rulebook on how and where cellphone companies can put up their communications towers, Global News has learned. Facing a fast-rising number of unsightly cell towers popping up in neighbourhoods and towns across the country, Industry Minister […]

Adrian Dix questioning Bill Bennett re. extortion fees

Hansard excerpts, Adrian Dix ineffectually “questioning” Bill Bennett re. extortion fees, the amounts, not the fact that they are extortion. Bennett is allowed to obfuscate and mislead, e.g. the cost estimates given to BCUC said that the more people who opted out, the cheaper it would be per household. Now Bennett is saying the opposite.   […]

Scientists and Doctors tell Parliament that Autism and Cancer may be linked to cell phones and Wifi

OTTAWA, April 28 2015  /CNW  Medical specialists from Canada and the United States will testify to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health today that Canada is falling behind other countries when it comes to protecting our children from wireless radiation. The Committee is conducting hearings to review Canada’s safety guidelines for exposure to microwave radiation from cell phones, WiFi and other wireless devices. Dr. Martha Herbert from Harvard […]

FIRES – Freedom of Information Requests

The Director of the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters  is attempting to gather information pertaining to potential smart meter fires and failures. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIP Act) allows the public to obtain information regarding governmental agencies to determine if they are operating within the parameters of the law,  how they are using our […]

Cell-tower policy must protect people

Winnipeg Free Press – PRINT EDITION By: Marg Friesen  April 21, 2015  Edna Pettipas is suing telecommunications giant Bell Aliant for harm and suffering she claims is due to a cell tower near her Nova Scotia home. That harm and suffering includes breast cancer and a myriad of symptoms experienced by her husband. Someone with modest […]

Parliamentary Health Committee (HESA) Investigation into Safety Code 6 2015

for full version go to Highlights From HESA Hearings Day 1 [Click Below Statements for Supporting Quotes] Health Canada admits studies show harm at levels below Safety Code 6 Health Canada ignores the scientific research; its review is subject to bias and incorrect conclusions Health Canada and Industry Canada ignore recommendations from the 2010 Health […]

BC Hydro rate increases hurting schools, says NDP

Government says schools must ‘pay their share’ for electricity, but NDP says it means cuts to education CBC News Posted: Apr 06, 2015 1:12 PM PT Last Updated: Apr 06, 2015 4:57 PM PT Adrian Dix said schools already struggling to find money, including Renfrew Elementary in East Vancouver, are being squeezed by BC Hydro rate increases. […]

Safety Code 6

In March 2015, Health Canada published an updated version of Safety Code 6 ( Limits of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy in the Frequency Range from 3 kHz to 300 GHz ).  Safety Code 6: Health Canada’s Radiofrequency Exposure Guidelines A list of Health Canada’s research on radiofrequency energy and health can be […]

WI-FI, Human Rights and Corporate Interests

Posted on March 26, 2015  Is the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal  stacked in favor of corporate interests ? -Walt McGinnis A longtime corporate lawyer who has already turned down one appeal to the Human Rights Tribunal regarding radio frequency radiation (rfr) exposure from Smart meters is now ruling on a new appeal submitted by a grandmother […]

The Electromagnetic Assault on Our Brains and Bodies

MARCH 19, 2015   AFP Just how bad is electromagnetic pollution to our health and well-being? Don’t ask authorities who have their heads in the sand or corporate interests who are aligned with the military-industrial complex. The establishment, with few exceptions, dismisses concerns about electromagnetic pollution as paranoia from conspiracy believers. The derisive charge of […]

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