By Mark Stevenson CTV Environment Reporter 10-6-2 VANCOUVER It was around Christmas three years ago when Goff Longworth first heard the mysterious hum. He was at home when all of a sudden it started. “For the first two or three nights I was going from room to room just trying to get rid of the […]
Archive for category Canada
Local residents opposed to new Bell Antenna on West end of Mission BC Robert Riedlinger a long time activist to cell towers speaks at city hall. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s Fifth Estate Program, from the February 9, 1999 segment entitled “Cone of Silence.” …The cellular company approached the school board and what they made an arrangement to do was to put transmitters and receivers on top of this 85-year-old school in exchange for annual rent. MALAREK: How much money are we talking here? […]
Making Waves – Conflict sizzles over cell towers Harrison Hot Springs British Columbia Canada by Trudy Beyak for The Progress November 15, 1998 “The best place to locate a microwave tower is in a Cemetery.” Ministry says no cause for concern. That comment from Bob Riedlinger sums up his belief […]
January 27 1997 – Vancouver Sun