Archive for category Smart Meter

FEMA Warns: 130 Million Without Electricity For YEARS Following Solar Storm

Written by: Daniel Jennings Grid Threats   December 18, 2014 A massive magnetic solar storm could knock out much of the US electrical grid and leave 130 million people in the dark, a report from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) concludes. The Federal Interagency Response Plan – Space Weather 2012 was released due to a […]

Saskatchewan Meter overheated and melted

  Smart meter fails in White City  BY CLARE CLANCY/CANADIAN PRESS, LEADER-POST     DECEMBER 18, 2014 Saskatchewan’s Crown utility is investigating another smart-meter failure after one of the devices overheated and melted on Tuesday. WHITE CITY — Saskatchewan’s Crown utility is investigating another smart-meter failure after one of the devices overheated and melted on […]

World’s first medical study of smart-meter health complaints

 By André Fauteux La Maison du 21e siècle magazine Initially, Montrealer Pierre Lepage was glad to receive the letter Hydro-Québec mailed him in 2011. It announced the upcoming replacement of the six electric meters located in his basement appartment’s kitchen, by wireless “smart” meters that communicate with radiofrequency microwaves (RF/MWs). “I told myself, thanks to […]

Would you pay $75 to drop smart meter?

By Morgan Lee   5:43 P.M. DEC. 5, 2014       Updated 5:50 P.M. California regulators are ready to deliver a bill to utility customers who want to get rid of “smart” meters that transmit data continuously about household consumption of electricity and natural gas. After years of deliberations, utility regulators said this week that they […]

Bennett’s office admits legacy fees are punishment

Bennett’s office admits legacy fees are because we won’t accept smeter — they are punishment!! THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!! An admission by Bill Bennett’s office that the legacy fees are punishment and not due to additional services being given those with legacy meters and no one else.  Please see letter below. This is so very significant and I think […]

BC Hydro cuts off power to home of defiant senior

by  Erin Haluschak – Comox Valley Record posted Nov 3, 2014 at 8:00 PM Rotraut Knopp lights candles in her Ships Point home Friday, after power was cut off following her refusal to pay a monthly legacy fee to BC Hydro to retain her analog meter. Rotraut Knopp has extra oil for her lamps on hand, an assortment of […]

Smart Meter Blamed for Causing Fire and Killing Dogs Couple escapes fire, blames smart meter (UPDATE) – Fox 2 News  A couple escapes a house fire in Detroit. Sadly, their dogs died in the blaze. Investigators are still working to determine the cause, but the people who live there insist a smart meter is to blame. By Randy Wimbley, Fox 2 News. DETROIT, […]

BC’s energy minister admits Smart Meter FIRES… but will do nothing

JULY 30, 2014     For immediate release  Energy Minister Bill Bennett admits to smart meter fires in British Columbia, but rather than do anything, he expresses disappointment that Saskatchewan is taking action to protect its citizens. On July 30 Saskatchewan Energy Minister Bill Boyd called a halt to the smart meter program, demanding removal of 105,000 meters […]

Tribunal ends anti-Smart Meter case

By Jane Deacon  September 28, 2014 2:29:25 PDT PM An anti-Smart Meter group will continue its fight against BC Hydro despite a Human Rights Tribunal decision to dismiss its discrimination complaint last week. Citizens of Safe Technology Society will refocus efforts on a civil claim – scheduled to come before B.C.’s Supreme Court next April – that […]

Is our Data Safe?

The Smart Grid claims to be secure, but recent articles really make Canadians wonder if all this technology is really a good idea. PBS Nova features an interesting documentary about how data is handled, and what could happen to the data, including the Smart Grid.   PBS Program Description Our lives are […]

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