Archive for category symptoms

Smartphone addiction creates chemical imbalances in brain  Published Thursday, November 30, 2017 10:33AM EST New research finds that young people who become addicted to smartphones and the internet actually develop chemistry imbalances in their brains. Researchers from Korea University in Seoul, South Korea, conducted a small study on 10 teen girls and 9 boys who had all been diagnosed with internet […]

Workers Rescued: School Children Sick – Could It Be The Cell Tower??

  Friday, October 6, 2017 Cell Tower At McClintock Middle School: Workers Rescued: Children Sick: Could It Be The Cell Tower? Could the Cell Tower Have Caused the Children To Be Sick?  A recent cell tower incident sparked our interest in this school. In our search for information on the cell tower rescue done near […]

More Canadians petitioning the government about fear of cellphone radiation

A growing number of Canadians are very concerned about being zapped by radiation from their cellphones, baby monitors and wireless internet routers Seven of the 16 petitions “concerned potential adverse health effects on humans from radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation from personal wireless devices.” October 4, 2017   Maura Forrest If petitions are any indication, a growing […]

5G networks will use the same frequencies as pain-inflicting crowd control weapons

18-04-2017 Believe it or not, IoT may also pose health and safety risks.   Devra Lee Davis – Founding Director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, who has taught at the University […]

Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G

September 11, 2017 PDF ENITRE DOCUMENT  : Scientist-Appeal-for-5G-Moratorium-September-11-2017 We the undersigned, more than 170 scientists from 37 countries, recommend a moratorium on the roll- out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to […]

Testing Of 5G Wi-Fi Troubles Cows. Should We Be Concerned Too?

February 16, 2017 ( Stitswerd is a village in the municipality of Eemsmond, Groningen, the Netherlands. ) 5 Dutch dairy farmers in Stitswerd, Groningen, witnessed a mystery on Saturday, January 28. Several hundreds of cows from the 5 dairy farmers simultaneously started running riot without a clear cause. The cows bumped into each other and the fences of their […]

Smart Meter Victory for Maui Utility Consumers Unlike Rest of USA, Locals Get to Opt in Instead of Having to Pay to Opt Out of Job-Killing Privacy-Threatening New Devices

Original Post   August 28, 2017  by   Jon Woodhouse 25Shares Facebook17 Twitter3 LinkedIn1 Email3 More Maui’s electric utility has taken an extraordinary step in proposing to only provide new smart meters to customers who request them. The decision is likely the first time that a utility anywhere in the nation has adopted such a radical proposal. […]

“Antennas owned by City of Upland CA are Killing Us” The City of Upland Is Killing Us With 22 Million Radiation Blasts From 2 Hidden Directional Antennas Published on Jul 25, 2017 Originally recorded on 2/12/17. Our family of 5 moved into our Upland home in perfect health. Three (3) months later, I was gravely ill. My symptoms included excruciating burning of my mouth […]

The 5G Network: What You Don’t Know May Kill You.

April 3, 2017 Reinette Senum   How would you feel if you knew that an untested technology is being deployed across America with no government oversight, no transparency, no public input, no regulations, and no long-term studies on health and environmental impacts? How would you feel if you knew sensors are rolling out to […]

World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill

Posted on March 14, 2017 by Baxter Dmitry   Smart meters cause a “cornucopia of health issues” for occupants of the 57 million American homes equipped with the new technology, according to the World Health Organization and   The news comes after a major university study into the “smart meter scam” revealed that the new meters […]

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