Archive for category Sinus problems

Dr. Magda Havas – 5G and COVID Symptoms – NCI

Canadian National Citizen’s Inquiry ( Day 3 Saskatoon )     Series about the disguising the effects of 5G tests (4G subgiga and milimeter waves frequencies). Sources and credits: One Radio Network – “Electro Radiation Happening”, April 27, 2020 by Patrick Timpone interviews Dr Madga Havas:  |

Wuhan, first province with full 5G coverage – now the center of the deadly virus

January 26, 2020 |   Isn’t it strange that the province in China, which was the first to use 5G networks and technology, has now become the center of a deadly virus that suddenly kills people on the street. What if the deaths are not a virus, but a 5G cell breakdown that mimics […]

World Health Organization: Smart Meters Are Making People Ill

Posted on March 14, 2017 by Baxter Dmitry   Smart meters cause a “cornucopia of health issues” for occupants of the 57 million American homes equipped with the new technology, according to the World Health Organization and   The news comes after a major university study into the “smart meter scam” revealed that the new meters […]

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