Archive for category headaches

The Bioeffects Resulting from Prokaryotic Cells and Yeast Being Exposed to an 18 GHz Electromagnetic Field

The Hong Phong Nguyen , Vy T. H. Pham , Song Ha Nguyen , Vladimir Baulin, Rodney J. Croft, Brian Phillips,Russell J. Crawford, Elena P. Ivanova Published: July 8, 2016    Abstract The mechanisms by which various biological effects are triggered by exposure to an electromagnetic field are not fully understood and have been the subject of debate. Here, the […]

Homeowners say smart meters are damaging their health, causing chronic pain, hair loss and sensitivity to light

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 by: Daniel Barker Tags: smart meters, health effects, electropollution (NaturalNews) By 2014, smart meters had been installed in nearly 50 million American homes, and despite assurances by power companies that they are completely safe, many people are reporting serious health issues caused by them – and many experts believe that they can indeed pose a health […]

Missouri Smart Meter Injury

  More information about other EHS from wireless

Wi-Fi Lawsuit Claims Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Caused Syndrome

Aug 26, 2015, 4:17 PM ET By GILLIAN MOHNEY Parents’ Wi-Fi Lawsuit Draws Attention to Controversial Condition  A lawsuit filed by a Massachusetts couple claiming that a school’s Wi-Fi network is harming their son is drawing attention to a condition that is so controversial that many in the medical community even question its existence. The […]

South Africa cell tower – New twist in iBurst tower battle

By EDITOR   14 January 2010   Wireless broadband provider iBurst believes it has definitive proof that a base station it operates in Fourways, north of Johannesburg, is not to blame for health problems afflicting some of the residents there. Residents of the Fourways community of Craigavon have threatened to take iBurst to court to have the base […]

26 Smart Meters make person sick

Maryland woman suffers acute radiation exposure from a bank of smart meters Maryland Smart Meter Awareness volunteers visited with a Maryland resident to help her share her own smart meter story in hopes to help others avoid the suffering she endured. This woman was unaware of any potential issues with wireless smart utility meters and […]

Quebec : Router installed without the consent of citizens of d’Asbestos : Hydro-Québec backtracked

Updated Tuesday, December 23, 2014 At 15 h 10 PST Geneviève Proulx  Radio-Canada   english version via Google Translate original french release : Three months after the installation of a router on his property without his permission, a couple of d’Asbestos has finally been successful. Hydro-Québec has removed the device last week. This is a […]

World’s first medical study of smart-meter health complaints

 By André Fauteux La Maison du 21e siècle magazine Initially, Montrealer Pierre Lepage was glad to receive the letter Hydro-Québec mailed him in 2011. It announced the upcoming replacement of the six electric meters located in his basement appartment’s kitchen, by wireless “smart” meters that communicate with radiofrequency microwaves (RF/MWs). “I told myself, thanks to […]

Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation

TORONTO, June 18, 2012 /CNW/ – Women’s College Hospital says family doctors must learn to detect the symptoms of exposure to wireless radiation. The hospital released a statement saying the symptoms include disrupted sleep, headaches, nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, memory problems, and skin rashes. These symptoms are now labelled Electro-magnetic Hyper-sensitivity, or “EMS”. “Health-care practitioners […]

Are electromagnetic fields making Oshawa man sick? Experts disagree

Russ Loader is convinced invisible electromagnetic fields in his Oshawa apartment are making him sick. Health Canada says there’s no reason for concern. Russell Loader and partner Katherine Melnitsky say abnormally high electomagnetic fields in their Oshawa apartment have been the cause of their declining health.  (JAYME POISSON / TORONTO STAR) By JAYME POISSONStaff Reporter Sun., Feb. 26, […]

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