Archive for category nausea

Wi-Fi Lawsuit Claims Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Caused Syndrome

Aug 26, 2015, 4:17 PM ET By GILLIAN MOHNEY Parents’ Wi-Fi Lawsuit Draws Attention to Controversial Condition  A lawsuit filed by a Massachusetts couple claiming that a school’s Wi-Fi network is harming their son is drawing attention to a condition that is so controversial that many in the medical community even question its existence. The […]

World’s first medical study of smart-meter health complaints

 By André Fauteux La Maison du 21e siècle magazine Initially, Montrealer Pierre Lepage was glad to receive the letter Hydro-Québec mailed him in 2011. It announced the upcoming replacement of the six electric meters located in his basement appartment’s kitchen, by wireless “smart” meters that communicate with radiofrequency microwaves (RF/MWs). “I told myself, thanks to […]

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