Archive for category school

Farm Cell Tower, Homes closest to tower not contacted

Laity Elementary School in Maple Ridge BC was a hotspot for discussion in December about the health concerns of students in classrooms with WIFI routers.  A large cellular phone tower was then constructed behind the school on farmland.   A farmer that lives close to the tower does not recall ever receiving a letter about […]

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Children pulled from Maple Ridge school over Wi-Fi concerns Samantha Boutet pulled her daughter, Gabrielle (left), 7, and Amelia, 11, out of Laity View elementary over concern about the dangers of Wi-Fi internet routers. (photo) By Robert Mangelsdorf – Maple Ridge News Published: December 10, 2010 8:00 AM Parents at a Maple Ridge elementary school have pulled their children out of school over fears radiation […]

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School Energy Coalition approves Smart Meters

In the rapid deployment of Smart Meters in Canada, are schools going to be exposed to the same WIMAX/WIFI radiation that the WIFI in Schools caused?   Did schools not step up and say anything against this? “School Energy Coalition” who claims to represent 72 Ontario School Boards ( aka Ontario Education Service Corporation ) and is part of […]

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Parents told to put kids back in WIFI school, or risk expulsion

By MORGAN IAN ADAMS COLLINGWOOD — The school board has issued notices to parents keeping their kids home because of Wi- Fi concerns that either the children return to school, or risk expulsion. Rodney Palmer, who heads up the Simcoe Safe School Committee, says he received a notice for his nine-year-old son, who hasn’t gone […]

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Port Coquitlam School/Cemetery faces Cell Tower

Months later the debate continues into Winter 2010 – Anyone who attends the Terry Fox Run or Residents of Port Coquitlam can express their remarks to the City Hall or the Media. Planned cellphone tower threatens sanctity of the cemetery where Terry Fox is buried BY DAPHNE BRAMHAM, VANCOUVER SUN MAY 27, 2010 PNG / […]

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Surrey BC School removes WIFI

CityTv News – Nov 4 2010 635am This information sent to Parliamentary HESA Committee November 1, 2010. Schools – Wired or Wireless? November 1, 2010 As a long-time principal of an independent school, I see the health and safety of our children as a non-negotiable responsibility. As technology contributes to ever-changing environmental influences, it’s […]

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BC Student affected by WIFI Parents concerned over Wi-Fi health risks Gaia Willis-Owen, Global News: Monday, October 18, 2010 Hundreds of parents across the country are speaking out against what they fear may be an invisible threat to their childrens’ well being: Wi-Fi in schools. McKenzy Honing, 16, says school makes him feel sick. The Grade 11 British Columbia high […]

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Ontario Min of Education concerned about WIFI

Video : Ontario’s Minister of Education wants Ottawa to look into the effects of the use of wireless internet and what it could be having on students.  Some parents in Collingwood have threatened to keep their kids at home when the school year starts unless wireless internet service, WIFI are removed from the school They […]

Where is the Outrage? Mary McBride

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 2:14 pm Where is the outrage when a prominent researcher for the BC and Canadian Cancer Society has admitted to allowing herself to be misrepresented as having a PhD for more than 14 years? Why aren’t people demanding a review of her work and the decisions to which she has contributed? If […]

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