Archive for category health and safety

CSIRO scientist Dr David McDonald wins compensation for Wi-Fi pain

SEPTEMBER 29, 2013 12:01AM A CSIRO scientist has won compensation for crippling headaches, nausea and dizziness caused by using Wi-Fi and computers at work. Dr David McDonald, a mathematician who worked as a principal research scientist at the CSIRO for 15 years, has moved to the Victorian countryside to avoid electromagnetic radiation. He wears custom-made clothing […]

Cell Phone Radiation Damages Sperm, Studies Show

Phones Carried on Belt or in Pants Pocket May Harm Reproductive Health Although most scientific and public attention on the issue of the safety of cell phone radiation has focused on evidence suggesting an increased risk of brain tumors (Baan 2011), a little-noticed but growing body of research points to a new concern – sperm […]

WiFi of Miscarriages in 1st Trimester from Microwaves

NEW Barrie Trower WiFi Report – Humanity At The Brink By Barrie Trower September 8-24-13  Abstract As stated by University Researchers, Government Scientists and International Scientific Advisors; a minimum of 57.7% of schoolgirls exposed to low-level microwave radiation (Wi-fi) are at risk of suffering stillbirth, foetal abnormalities or genetically damaged children, when they give […]

Supreme Court Ordered the Israeli Government to Investigate the Number of Children Suffering EHS

The Israeli Supreme Court Ordered the Israeli Government to Investigate the Number of Children Currently Suffering From EHS. On July 18, 2013, the Israeli Supreme Court ordered the Israeli Government to investigate how many children in Israel already suffer from EHS. The Order was issued in response to a Petition to the Israeli Supreme Court […]

Electrosmog may cause health problems, group says

CBC News Posted: May 25, 2013 3:21 PM ET Last Updated: May 25, 2013 3:45 PM ET Read comments Smart meters use electromagnetic frequencies to transmit consumption data to power companies, and some people believe they’re a source of health problems. (Toby Talbot/AP file photo) A relatively new type of air pollution called electrosmog may […]

British MPs told of ‘smart’ meter risks; UK rollout delayed by over a year

Dr Liz Evans spoke of health effects, saying there are hundreds of studies showing “evidence of harm could be acute”, including possible “chronic effects from long term exposure such as cancer, infertility, dementia, genetic damage, immune system dysfunction and damage to foetuses”. sources :

Former Microsoft Canada President agrees school Wifi is a Potential Health Hazard

TORONTO, May 9, 2013 /CNW/ Frank Clegg, one of the biggest names in Canadian technology, announced today that he stands behind parents who object to wireless internet in schools. “There are already children who can’t go to school because of headaches, nausea and heart problems from the wireless systems,” said Clegg who ran Microsoft Canada […]

BC Hydro Smart Meters Provoke Class Action Lawsuit

CBC  |  Posted: 04/29/2013 6:01 pm EDT  |  Updated: 04/29/2013 8:47 pm EDT Opponents of smart meters are preparing a class action lawsuit against BC Hydro, alleging installation of the high-tech devices has led to thousands of health, safety and privacy concerns over the last two years. Earlier this year, BC Hydro said it would not […]

West Kelowna man claims Smart Meters are killing him

By Kelly Hayes  Global News They say the problems began after a group of smart meters were installed by BC Hydro in front of their home last year — coincidentally around the same time Jerry had his first stroke. It’s not the first time people have raised concerns about the health effects of smart meters. But an […]

‘Radiation Refugee’ Files $120 Million Suit vs. Calif., SDG&E from W. Virginia

Professional musician claims wireless smart meter health effects forced her to flee San Diego home.  By Ken Stone (Patch Staff) – December 30, 2012 6:55 am ET Updated at 10:45 p.m. Dec. 29, 2012 RAMONA, CA—Deborah Cooney was valedictorian at West Boylston High School in Massachusetts, an economics graduate of Brown University and a vice president of Peoples Savings […]

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