Archive for category CT scan

Brit dad sues Nokia for up to £1million claiming using his mobile phone caused his brain tumour

  Neil Whitfield, 60, says he developed an acoustic neuroma tumour due to heavy phone use for his job in the late 1990s  By Grace Macaskill   12 MAY 2018 A salesman who suffered a brain tumour is suing Nokia for ­“significant” compensation which could hit £1million – in a case that could cost mobile phone […]

Cell Phone Use In Children and Teens Translates To 5 Times Greater Increase In Brain Cancer

published by RF SAFE News  CELL PHONE RADIATION  Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn Pinterest If today’s young people don’t reduce their use of wireless mobile devices, they may suffer an “epidemic” of the disease in later life. Research indicates children and teenagers are five times more likely to get brain cancer if they use mobile phones. At least nine out of ten 16-year-olds have […]

Pilot Study Shows Dramatic Difference In Brain Activity With EHS (Electrohypersensitive) Cases As Compared To Controls (Non EHS).

PRESS TELE-CONFERENCE, THURS., Dec. 7th, 12 NOON PST. This is the first known published study to show pictures of EHS on an fMRI. NEWS PROVIDED BY  The Peoples Initiative Foundation LOS ANGELES, Dec. 5, 2017 /PRNewswireThe Peoples Initiative Foundation has announced the conclusion of a pilot study they organized, headed up by Dr. Gunnar Heuser, showing EHS on […]

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