Archive for category gNode

BC Political Candidates – Are they aware of the risks with 5G?

Another Municipal Election is approaching in, just in time too.  Telus, Shaw, Rogers and Bell all want to install 5G wireless beside your home, school and business.   Residents in BC cities have experienced this sudden installation and been questioning why they were not informed.  City councils are often approached by the wireless industry asking […]

Huawei and Telus test fixed 5G in homes, paving way for Canadian rollout

JEREMY HORWITZ@HORWITZ    FEBRUARY 14, 2018 7:05 AM Facing restrictions in the United States due to national security concerns, China’s leading smartphone maker Huawei announced today that Canadian carrier Telus is live-testing Huawei 5G equipment in Vancouver homes. The companies’ in-home testing is said to be the first of its kind in North America, bringing 5G from the “lab […]

Ottawa’s worries grow over Huawei’s global ambitions; Canada to discuss united front on U.S. auto tariffs

Finally, Canada is taking notice of Huawei, which has provided all the transmitters for Telus’s microcells and is a partner in the pilot projects for 5G in Vancouver.  Why has it taken so long for Ottawa to even notice that this Chinese agent is involved in our infrastructure? Who knows what else they are involved […]

Small Cells in Ontario

For the last few years Bell has been installing Small Cell Antennas (eNodeB) 4G LTE around southern Ontario.  People concerned about the high levels of microwave radiation were waiting for information from others concerned in Ontario, however the locations where Bell was testing these new antennas were seldom in the same areas.  While investigating another […]

Toronto Waterfront to become 5G Smart City

    Alphabet will start Toronto Smart City Project this Summer.  Residents still have Questions. April 10, 2018 Toronto’s about to get the “world’s first neighborhood built from the internet-up,” according to the company behind the project. Residents, though, aren’t totally sold on the idea. Reuters reports that Google’s parent company, Alphabet, and its “urban innovation […]

5G Cell Service Is Coming. Who Decides Where it Goes?

  A concept design, left, and two other designs showing how streetlights and utility poles can be modified with equipment,  often accompanied by a container on the ground that can be disguised as a mailbox, to deliver 5G cellular signals. Credit From left: Crown Castle International; Scientists for Wired Technology; City of Lincoln, Neb   […]

5G threat to Trees in UK

Group : Stop 5G UK Cathy Dowd 5,500 trees cut down in Sheffield to make way for new 5G Mobile Phone network. Chainsaw men protected by Police from protesters. I saw one Video of a tree being hauled away with a protester wrapped around it. The trees had originally been planted to commemorate war heroes. 5G […]

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Small Cell Antennas in California

DAS: The Cell Antenna on Your Block (Distributed Antenna Systems)

Huawei & Telus: Is our Data & DNA at Risk at their 5G “Living Lab”?

  “5G, microcells, the internet of things, and the “smart” revolution might make telecoms and industry a lot of dollars, but for the rest of us, they just don’t make sense.” SALT SPRING, February 17 2018 Citizens for Safe Technology   Vancouverites may very well be guinea pigs in the experiment of the century. Instead […]

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Small Cells endangers electrical worker safety and public safety

To the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers August 29, 2017 California Senate Bill 649 endangers electrical worker safety and public safety   Dear IBEW: SB 649 (Hueso)i — sponsored by CTIA and promoted by AT&T and Verizon — is speeding through the legislature. Without union opposition, it will pass. This bill fundamentally changes the work […]

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