Archive for category cell phone

Forget 5G wireless, SpaceX and T-Mobile want to offer Zero-G coverage

“So it’s really quite a difficult technical challenge.” ERIC BERGER – 8/25/2022, 8:40 PM BOCA CHICA, Texas—SpaceX and T-Mobile announced an ambitious plan on Thursday evening to provide ubiquitous connectivity from space to anyone with a cell phone. The project would pair SpaceX’s Starlink satellite technology with the second-largest wireless carrier in the United States, […]

Experts say 2022 is the year smart city projects move from flashy to functional

In recent years, smart cities have received criticism for over-promising and under-delivering—experts think that could change. article cover By Jordan McDonald – January 21, 2022 In recent years, smart cities have received criticism for over-promising and under-delivering—or, in many cases, failing to deliver at all. However, due to a combination of new government funding and what […]

Emirates, Other Foreign Airlines Cancel Many US Flights Over 5G Concerns

Kyle Potter– January 18, 2022 The drama between airlines and cell phone networks surrounding the deployment of faster 5G cellular service reached a new pitch Tuesday as several major international carriers announced they’d pause many of their flights to the U.S., citing safety concerns about the new service. The day before AT&T and Verizon were […]

AT&T, Verizon pause some new 5G after Airlines raise alarm

Jan 18, 2022  – WGN9 Chicago AT&T and Verizon will delay launching new wireless service near key airports after the nation’s largest airlines said the service would interfere with aircraft technology and cause massive flight disruptions.   Airline execs sound alarm on how 5G service could affect planes AT&T, Verizon pause some new 5G […]

Where is that strange humming noise coming from…

original post : HD Warrior 03/02/2013  UPDATED January 2021   People all across the planet have reported hearing a strange humming/droning noise at the dead of night usually in their bedrooms like my wife and myself heard last evening. This is a bit off topic but as I am in an industry that makes a […]

ROGERS 5G Coverage Maps – Sept 2022

Rogers  / Telus / Bell    Current coverage map for ROGERS   Older Maps  :       OOKLA MAPS –  Compare 2020 with 2022 Maps from 2020 :     In April 2020, Rogers provided limited maps of 5G coverage, mainly for key cities like Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, as shown below, but here is a comparison of […]

Mysterious Illness in Schools

Vancouver man’s smartphone bursts into flames

Jon Woodward Reporter, CTV News Vancouver Saturday, July 4, 2020  VANCOUVER — A Vancouver man is describing a “crazy moment” when he says his Samsung smartphone burst into flames as it sat in his passenger seat — while he was driving. Matt Chernoff pulled to a stop in his building’s parkade to douse the flames, glad […]

Thousands of people injured by 5G cell towers installed on their homes, are presenting their case to the FCC

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 by: Lance D Johnson (Natural News) In 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) expanded the over-the-air reception device (OTARD) rule to allow fixed wireless providers to deploy hub-and-relay antennas more quickly and efficiently, expanding 5G networks. For 5G to work, thousands of new, small cell antennae must be installed, in greater numbers and closer […]

Patent for Cryptocurrency system : Human recognition and Wireless Communication

April 18, 2020     Microsoft Patent 060606 – Body interfaced digital currency What are the chances a device on the body that is used for digital translations would have a patent number 060606? Also, Microsoft patented this on March 26th of this year. The full patent id is WO/2020/060606.   “THE BLACK BOX (COMPUTERS) […]

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