Archive for category Samsung

FCC Knew Phones Exceeded Radiation Limits, Hid Info From Public and Courts

FCC testing showed popular cellphone brands exceeded the agency’s safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation, but the agency hid the information from the public and the courts, according to data obtained by the Environmental Health Trust. 04/24/24   By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) knew for years that certain popular smartphones exceeded […]

Phonegate Canada: Court Authorizes Class Action Against Apple And Samsung

September 27, 2022 In a judgement – – rendered on September 22, 2022, the seven plaintiffs, Tracey Ariel, Claire O’Brien, Erika Patton, Zoe Patton, Alex Tasciyan, Mathew Nucciarone and Vito Decicco, have been given a win by Judge Christian Immer.                  They will therefore be allowed to launch a class action against the manufacturers of […]

Vancouver man’s smartphone bursts into flames

Jon Woodward Reporter, CTV News Vancouver Saturday, July 4, 2020  VANCOUVER — A Vancouver man is describing a “crazy moment” when he says his Samsung smartphone burst into flames as it sat in his passenger seat — while he was driving. Matt Chernoff pulled to a stop in his building’s parkade to douse the flames, glad […]

Telus plans rollout of 5G network using Huawei technology

Chinese component maker accused of stealing state secrets and being an arm of Chinese government CBC News · Posted: Feb 13, 2020 Telecommunications company Telus Corp. says it is planning to roll out its 5G network in the near future using some technology from Chinese component maker Huawei. CFO Doug French told The Financial Post newspaper in […]

5G Phone with 16 ANTENNAS

With all the talk about 5G small cell antennas being tested in California, Vancouver and other areas, people must be wondering : What antenna systems are going to be inside these new 5G Phones?    “5G capable smartphones, when they arrive, will be packed with features – including as many as sixteen antennas to help transmit lots […]

Insurance Companies Won’t Cover Cell Phone Brain Tumor Product Liability Lawsuits

The insurance industry has refused to provide product liability insurance on cell phones primarily due to this concern as they fear that cell phone litigation may turn out like tobacco or asbestos litigation did with huge punitive awards.   THE NATIONAL | Sep 21, 2010 | 3:10 Cellphone safety questions Some insurance companies take the […]

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