Archive for category McBride

Health Canada is obliged to go back to the drawing board

What does this mean for Canadians? June 5, 2011.  The World Health Organization classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic.  What does this mean for Canadians? After a week-long meeting in Lyon, France, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)—an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO)—classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (otherwise known as radiofrequency radiation […]

Where is the Outrage? Mary McBride

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 2:14 pm Where is the outrage when a prominent researcher for the BC and Canadian Cancer Society has admitted to allowing herself to be misrepresented as having a PhD for more than 14 years? Why aren’t people demanding a review of her work and the decisions to which she has contributed? If […]

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