Archive for category Blatherwick

B.C. mayors consider moratorium on smart meters

Mayors and councillors from across the province are considering calling for a moratorium on BC Hydro’s smart meters after hearing the health concerns of their residents. A small group of protesters gathered outside the Vancouver Convention Centre Monday, calling on delegates at the annual convention of the Union of B.C. Municipalities to stop BC Hydro […]

The Truth about Itron and B.C. Hydro Wired Connections

UPDATED AUG 22 – Evidence that shows BC Hydro’s claims that “Meters can not be wired”, is in fact not only possible, but it actually has been done with Ontario Homes. ITRON WIRED CONNECTIONS are available. Wired meter communications was the original concept in smart meter patents.

Smart Meters operating in Richmond BC 智能电表已在列治文

Just south of the intersection of Westminister Highway and Number One Road in Richmond, BC, there are a handful of homes with BC Hydro wireless smart meters in operation.  People who are sensitive to wireless devices (EHS) photographed the antenna that was installed to collect the data from these homes. Comments about the few minutes […]

Why the Precautionary Principle Should but Doesn’t Apply in BC

Monday, 27 June 2011 09:15 Written by Rafe Mair There is a reason that we who want to save our environment are losing the war and may lose it outright unless we gird up our loins and fight to the death, politically speaking. The reason is simple: no government set in authority over us will apply […]

Smart meters present health risks

Published: June 22, 2011 Dear Editor: In July of this year, B.C. Hydro and Fortis will embark upon a $1 billion plus venture to replace every analog hydro meter in the province with a wireless smart electrical meter. For consumers of electricity, who face up to a 50 per cent increase in their electrical utility […]

BC Hydro Chief regarding Smart Meters

Merrit Newspaper Editor John O’Connor  interviews BC Hydro chief project officer Gary Murphy, June 9, 2011. Includes comments on the fluctuating marijuana grow operation numbers BC Hydro has used in justifying implementation of smart meters, health concerns over the meters, possibility of using ITRON’s wired system, and implementation schedule. Pictured in the photo is Juan de […]

Meter emissions a WHO-classified carcinogen

JUNE 14, 2011 The more I learn about the Smart Meter Program, the more concerned I become, I regard the plan and the Smart Grid a willful attack on our health by the provincial government and BC Hydro. A number of reasons to be concerned about Smart Meters exist. There is also an inconsistency in […]

Health Canada is obliged to go back to the drawing board

What does this mean for Canadians? June 5, 2011.  The World Health Organization classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic.  What does this mean for Canadians? After a week-long meeting in Lyon, France, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)—an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO)—classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (otherwise known as radiofrequency radiation […]

Smart meter Omissions

Gulf Islands Driftwood – Letters Published: May 18, 2011 10:00 AM Re: “Smart meters safe” letter, May 11 Driftwood. Interesting comment by Dr. John Blatherwick regarding safe smart meters. I notice he doesn’t mention the considerable communications industry influence on the World Health Organization, Health Canada and with former industry executives working for these supposedly “health […]

Smart meters a hot topic at BC Hydro public meeting by Lia Fraser Source: HANS e-News – March 15, 2011 On March 9 in Victoria, BC Hydro held one of their public consultations planned in various BC cities between March and April on various projects and issues. About 250 people attended and at times the debate was heated on the issue of smart meters. […]

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