Archive for category wifi

EHT Takes Historic Legal Action Against The FCC

Appeal filed after the FCC refuses to update their 24 year old wireless radiation limits.  Washington, DC – A group of scientists, consumer health nonprofits, and citizens filed a historic legal action against the FCC for its refusal to update its 24-year-old cell phone and wireless radiofrequency (RF) radiation guidelines. The legal petition contends the […]

Encinitas to ban 5G wireless antennas near schools, daycares, residences

 New restrictions imposed to address widespread community concerns about health risks By BARBARA HENRY OCT. 31, 2019 ENCINITAS —  Encinitas will amend its controversial 5G wireless policy, adding new restrictions on antenna placement in response to opponents’ well-organized lobbying efforts. “I think much of your feedback is reflected in what’s being presented tonight,” Councilman Tony Kranz told […]

We want to know why BC is not banning cell phones and personal devices in our schools?

Oct 12, 2019,  Parents for Safe Schools   Did you know that the Ontario government allowed the parents to make an informed decision, which resulted in 97% of parents voting in favour of banning cell phones in their classrooms?   Did you know Minister of Education, Rob Flemming denied BC parents the same opportunity?   […]

Oregon Legislature Passes SB 283 to Study Effects of WiFi Radiation on Children (with video)

August 7, 2019 Author Deb Mayer, David Morrison During the summer of 2018, David Morrison and Deb Mayer made the rounds visiting legislator after legislator in Salem to find sponsors for bills that would protect people, especially children, from the harmful health effects of WiFi radiation. Ultimately, they found a champion in Senator Laurie Monnes Anderson who suggested […]

E-petition – 5G & WIFI in Canada

Whereas: Wi-Fi systems and 5G technology have very harmful effects on human, animal and environmental health;
Wi-Fi systems and 5G technology seem to be especially harmful to newborns, children, people who are ill and seniors;
5G technology is similar to, but worse than, the problems that have already been linked to early generations of telephones because it uses pulses of waves;

Mum takes her three kids out of school after claiming school WiFi was making them sick

Mum-of-three Alisa Keane, from Northern Ireland, says her sons James, Conn and Dara were all struggling in class but the ‘fog lifted’ a few hours after the bell rang 2018-05-24 A mum has taken her three children out of school because she believes the building’s WiFi makes them sick. Alisa Keane, from Downpatrick, County Down, […]

BC Political Candidates – Are they aware of the risks with 5G?

Another Municipal Election is approaching in, just in time too.  Telus, Shaw, Rogers and Bell all want to install 5G wireless beside your home, school and business.   Residents in BC cities have experienced this sudden installation and been questioning why they were not informed.  City councils are often approached by the wireless industry asking […]

100 passengers sick on Airplane with WIFI

100 passengers sick on Airplane with WIFI – Could this be from WIFI, or 5G on Airbus? – Airbus and OneWeb get onboard to put 5G on Planes

6 Vancouver Island hospitals could be getting FREE Wi-Fi soon

A classic example of how trusting, uninformed and completely defenseless British Columbians will pay dearly for this province not having its own resident ‘expert’ in non-thermal ELF EMF and RF EMR! Unbelievably, there is no one in BC who knows enough about the known hazards of non-thermal radiation to stand up to Telus and say: […]

Tribunal allows School District to continue use of WIFI

No proof B.C. boy’s migraines caused by Wi-Fi, tribunal rules Family had asked for an order designating 25% of Saanich school as Wi-Fi free Bethany Lindsay · CBC News · Posted: Jul 17, 2018 3:00 AM PT  There is no scientific evidence linking Wi-Fi to a cluster of non-specific symptoms known as EHS. (Nathan Lambrecht/Canadian Press) By the time class […]

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