Key Articles :
NOV 17, 2018
A BC Hydro customer contacted one of the teams that do RF measurements to measure their Radio-Off Smart Meter (Itron Centron II).
The location was not in a city, so it was not close to other homes or wireless networks. The Radio-Off meter appeared to be safe, with no wireless, completely off. For anyone that is being contacted and pressured into giving up their Analog, it appears to be 100% safe – as long as it remains Radio-Off.
BC Hydro agreed in the Clean Energy Act, by 2020 BC would have 100% smart meters, but they didnt expect so many to hold on to their Analog meters. Radio-Off was their solution stated in the “Electric Tarriff” (2008 & 2013)
These Meters will still require the same Meter Readers who were reading your Analog manually.
The question about Dirty Electricity : This home did have some high Dirty Electricity readings. Filters did help. A new reading to see if Radio Off Smart Meters cause DE will be conducted soon, comparing the DE levels before and after a Radio-Off.
Smart Meter with Radio-Off is STILL Broadcasting
According to the person who made this video, the meter is said to be off, but the readings show otherwise.
Read More
Itron Meter Problems
Fires and Melted Smart Meters in British Columbia
The Truth about Itron and B.C. Hydro Wired Connections
UPDATED AUG 22 – Evidence that shows BC Hydro’s claims that “Meters can not be wired”, is in fact not only possible, but it actually has been done with Ontario Homes. ITRON WIRED CONNECTIONS are available. Wired meter communications was the original concept in smart meter patents.
More about Smart Meters
Identify a Smart Meter, Mesh Collector, Relay
Issues with Smart Meters
Security, Safety, Privacy
Issues with OPT OUT Fee$
BC appears to be paying the most for Analog meters
#1 by Alex on June 29, 2017 - 9:19 pm
Anyone knows if Fortis has any plans of replacing the analog natural gas metres with natural gas “smart” metres?
#2 by admin on July 4, 2017 - 2:32 am
Originally it was slated for 2016, but it has been delayed. If we hear about it we will post an update.
#3 by Katherine on November 24, 2018 - 8:27 am
Just received a letter from BC Hydro November 23, 2018 that my analog meter has expired and since they have no analog meters they need to replace it with a smart meter and I can pay to have it not communicate. They are stating that I will be fined if they cannot access my meter. Does anyone know what steps can be taken? Maybe where to purchase an analogue meter with Measurement Canada certification.
#4 by admin on November 24, 2018 - 3:57 pm
Many have received this same letter, its related to the 2020 deadline of BC Hydro to be 100% Smart Meters, even though many will be “Radio Off” they are still focused on their deadline for 2020. People with have taken measurements at various “Radio Off” meters and all of them so far were not emitting any wireless communications. BC Hydro claims they can no longer get Analogs, whether that is true or not is questionable, and likely is part of their agenda to meet their deadline. Please read more here
#5 by David on January 13, 2019 - 9:44 pm
I just got my December bill and was charged $65 for failure to install as I have mine locked up. In the letter it stated to contact them if there is an issue that they won’t be able to install and we contacted BCHydro to let them know, but they still came out anyway. I have been in contact with my MLA to try and get a resolution. Watch on YouTube: “Smart” meter must see.
Watch John Horgan comment when he was then Energy Critic call for a review of the program.
#6 by cs on September 22, 2019 - 1:37 pm
how many people have received the threat to disconnect by Sept 30, 2019?
Has anyone challenged BC Hydro through the BC Human Rights tribunal?
#7 by Les.... Sept 29/2019 on September 29, 2019 - 5:49 pm
I have opted to keep my analog meter for 5 years now and BC Hydro said they are going to change it to a ‘radio off’ meter (same as a smart meter I believe)
tomorrow or they will cut my power off and hook it up for $700 with a new smart meter. Have I run out of choices?
#8 by Kellie on March 31, 2020 - 11:05 am
I told the installers to get off my property when they came to put in the smart meter. That was a few years ago…they came when I was not home, and guess what? Yup, smart meter installed.
#9 by Kara on April 27, 2020 - 6:47 am
Is there a group of people to connect with to help stop the 5G ?