Widening Call for Immediate Return of Analogs; Disconnection of “Mesh” Wireless Network

High Voltage: Spin & Lies of a Global Energy Grid

by Joyce Nelson The plans have been spun over the decades, but now large corporate players, controlling strategic committees in Washington and Ottawa, are ready to transform the continent and drain Canada of energy – oil, gas, hydro – all without any public involvement except that taxpayers are expected to foot the bill The people […]

Shaw wi-fi wireless mesh system for Vancouver

Shaw super wi-fi wireless mesh system for Vancouver October 30th 2011 Shaw is in the process of rolling out wi-fi on steroids right through Vancouver and all large urban areas – a fully meshed wireless system from parks to undergrounds – absolutely everything wi-fried – this is without any regulations, no public consultation, behind closed doors […]

Smart Meter Fight

Kamloops : Smart Meter Opponents Forum

October 24, 2011 Desert Garden Community Center Published October 25, 2011 People should have a right to choose whether to accept a health risk, a principal somehow forgotten in the rush to install wireless meters, an audience was told at a public meeting Monday night.”Smart meters are part of a wider process occurring at every […]

Burnaby resident refuses to accept smart meter

Smart meters: ‘It just doesn’t seem to be a good idea’ BY JANAYA FULLER-EVANS, BURNABY NOW OCTOBER 12, 2011 No smart meters: Local resident Eric Candelaria has concerns about the province’s about the new smart meters and put up signs telling B.C. Hydro employees to stay off his property. Photograph by: Larry Wright, BURNABY NOW […]

Radio : StopSmartMeters talks to CKNW

Walter McGinnis speaks to CKNW’s Bill Good on Oct 12 [audio:]

Initiative to Recall BC Smart Meters

“An initiative is being launched under the BC Recall and Initiative Act to stop the mandatory installation of smart meters in British Columbia. The executive of has gathered a board of consultants and advisors and in October 2011 will begin a pre-registration program for British Columbians opposed to the ongoing installation of smart meters. […]

Cellphone usage limits urged by Health Canada

The Canadian Press Oct 4, 2011 Parents should encourage children under 18 to limit the time they spend talking on cellphones, Health Canada said Tuesday in new advice on mobile phone usage. The guidance is a nuanced change from previous advice, which suggested that people could limit their use of cellphones if they were […]

Terrace BC : CORIX Manager involved in WIRE TAP CRIME

SMART METERS INSTALLED BY MAN INVOLVED IN WIRE TAP CRIME by Merv Ritchie    September 07, 2011 While citizens raise concerns about the invasion of privacy issues regarding BC Hydro’s new Smart Meters the manager of the Company installing them, Corix, is still involved in an RCMP criminal investigation regarding the installation of wire tapping equipment. […]

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