Wired To Deliver: New Site Promotes Community Fiber Not Industry-Driven 5G

2019/03/18 LINDA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Wired-to-Deliver-New-Site-Promotes-Community-Fiber-not-Industry-Driven-5G-Press-Release-by-Connected-Communities-March-18-2019.pdf Contact:   [email protected] WIRED TO DELIVER: New Site Promotes Community Fiber not Industry-Driven 5G While last week’s launch of the federal spectrum auction gave the green light to 5G in Canada, many communities across North America are choosing to build and operate their own fiber-to-the-premises networks. An innovative new Canadian […]

Behind the scenes of the Trump campaign’s 5G network plan

David McCabe, Jonathan Swan, Kim Hart updated Mar 3, 2019 People close to Trump and a politically connected private company have, for months, been laying out the broad outlines of the plan to create a national wholesale 5G network in op-eds and tweets — which the Trump campaign was then forced to walk back, following […]

Diplomats in China report similar brain injuries as Americans in Cuba

2019 Mar 15 In 2016 and 2017, 25 Americans in the U.S. embassy in Cuba suffered serious, unexplained brain injuries. Now, at least 15 American officials in China are reporting similar symptoms. 60 Minutes reports, Sunday at 7 p.m. ET/PT U.S. officials in China report unexplained brain injuries…   U.S. officials in China report unexplained br… […]

Fourth Ripon student has cancer. Parents demand removal of cell tower from school

MARCH 12, 2019 11:13 AM, Ripon, California, Unified School District is working with Sprint to move a cellular phone tower near Weston Elementary after four students were diagnosed with cancer and parents voiced their concerns. By Akira Olivia Kumamoto | Joan Barnett Lee | Ken Carlson The Ripon Unified School District said it is talking […]

Finland ironically becomes latest front in global 5G health battle

  JEREMY HORWITZ@HORWITZ MARCH 12, 2019 8:13 AM   Finland has played a large role in developing and deploying 5G cellular technologies. Now a small group of Finnish citizens is trying to stop the spread of 5G base stations, suggesting that their higher levels of electromagnetic radiation may threaten human health. Currently backed by over […]

Ontario to ban cellphones in classrooms next school year

Policy would prohibit cellphone use during instructional time starting in 2019-20 Allison Jones · The Canadian Press · Posted: Mar 12, 2019 6:02 AM ET | Last Updated: March 12   Enforcement of the cellphone ban would be up to individual boards and schools in Ontario. (Eduard Korniyenko/Reuters)  Cellphones will be banned in Ontario classrooms […]

Residents raise health concerns after cell tower announced in Crescent Beach

Carl Katz says he has a moderate sensitivity to electromagnetic fields AARON HINKS Mar. 5, 2019 3:10 p.m. Carl Katz demonstrates a device that can detect electromagnetic fields at Crescent Beach. (Aaron Hinks photo) When a government or developer announces plans for an infrastructure project, a point of contention for neighbours, quite often, relates to […]

Neuroscientists Say They’ve Found an Entirely New Form of Neural Communication

If what was observed here, in this new article, is correct, we may be in for even more than we bargained for with regard to EMF propagation. According to this article, some neuroscientists have observed a ‘wireless’ connection among neurons. In other words, there may be a way neurons communicate in addition to the synaptic […]

20,000 satellites will be launched for 5G that send focused beams of intense microwave radiation over the entire Earth

by John P. Thomas Health Impact News Public attention on 5G has focused on the plans of telecommunications companies to install millions of small cell towers in the po … Public attention on 5G has focused on the plans of telecommunications companies to install millions of small mobile phone towers on power poles, in public […]

USA: Controversy grows as mini 5G cell towers pop up everywhere

By: John Matarese  Feb 08, 2019 05:47 PM EST  Mysterious orange PVC pipes are popping up in communities everywhere, stamped with the words “fiber optic”. They may not be for home internet and TV signals but rather to hold the connecting cables for mini 5G towers. Homeowners on many quiet, tree-lined streets are worried that they […]

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