Appeals Court Won’t Reconsider Challenge To Berkeley Cellphone Warnings Law

October 11, 2017 11:05 AM Filed Under: Appeals Court, Berkeley, Cellphone, Disputed, Law, Radiation, Warning SAN FRANCISCO (CBS SF) — A federal appeals court in San Francisco Wednesday turned down an industry group’s bid for reconsideration of the group’s challenge to a Berkeley cellphone warning law. The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals declined to […]

5G – Early data shows a slight increase of tumors in male rats exposed to cellphone radiation

Jim Puzzanghera  Aug 8 2017 –  LA TIMES As wireless companies prepare to launch the next generation of service, there are new questions about the possible health risks from radiation emitted by cellphones and the transmitters that carry the signals. Concerns about the potential harmful effects of radiofrequency radiation have dogged mobile technology since the […]

Workers Rescued: School Children Sick – Could It Be The Cell Tower??

  Friday, October 6, 2017 Cell Tower At McClintock Middle School: Workers Rescued: Children Sick: Could It Be The Cell Tower? Could the Cell Tower Have Caused the Children To Be Sick?  A recent cell tower incident sparked our interest in this school. In our search for information on the cell tower rescue done near […]

More Canadians petitioning the government about fear of cellphone radiation

A growing number of Canadians are very concerned about being zapped by radiation from their cellphones, baby monitors and wireless internet routers Seven of the 16 petitions “concerned potential adverse health effects on humans from radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation from personal wireless devices.” October 4, 2017   Maura Forrest If petitions are any indication, a growing […]

5G networks will use the same frequencies as pain-inflicting crowd control weapons

18-04-2017 Believe it or not, IoT may also pose health and safety risks.   Devra Lee Davis – Founding Director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the U.S. National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Founding Director of the Center for Environmental Oncology, University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, who has taught at the University […]

New smart meters transmit 9,000 – 190,000 times daily

Friday Sep 22 2017 Posted by chrisurabe  – California     As many Alamedans know, AMP has been implementing their smart meter program in residential neighborhoods across Alameda this year. What most Alamedans do not know, however, is the hidden potential for danger these RF radiation emitting devices have. There is current evidence of a link between cancer […]

Smart Meter Fire at Quinte West FIRE HALL

  October 1st, 2017 by Brock Ormond Trenton / Quinte, Ontario The Quinte West Fire department’s response to a late Saturday afternoon fire was very fast – it was at their own station. Around 5 p.m. yesterday, Fire Captain Chris Wigley and another firefighter were in the office at their headquarters on 165 Front Street in […]

South Africa – 4 cell towers metres from where children live and play

May 29 2017    The following cell towers have to be dismantled without any further delay : Copies of these letters and documents were sent to all  relevant officials within the City.   1. Forest Glade Eerste River : Perm Gardens Baptist Church  2. Heathfield,  4th Avenue, where families living right under the cell mast report that […]

Cell tower won’t be built by Mission Sports Park

Kevin Mills – Mission City Record posted Sep 27, 2017 There will not be a cell tower constructed beside the Mission Sports Park. Last week, council gave its support to a proposal to construct the wireless communications facility at 7983 Nelson Street – at the Mission Golf and Country Club – rather than the original suggestion […]

Victoria, BC high school bans cellphone use, says it’s ‘gone very well’

By Bradly Shankar SEP 28, 2017  8:09 PM EST A Victoria, British Columbia high school that banned the use of cellphones is saying that the move has been very effective so far. The Central Middle School, which is part of the Greater Victoria School District and has 580 students, introduced the ban back in September. “It’s […]

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