Cancer Expert Warns: Extremely Important to Adopt Precaution against RF Exposure

June 29, 2015   Posted by: GG Contributor Dr. Anthony B. Miller   “There is a potential risk of rapidly progressive and more malignant tumours.” – Dr. Anthony B. Miller   In March and April, 2015, the Canadian Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health invited international experts to testify about Safety Code 6—Health Canada’s exposure guideline on non-ionizing radiation from […]

Electrohypersensitivity conference debunks ‘nocebo effect’ theory

André Fauteux | 25 juin 2015  A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. – Max Planck 1858-1947 José Lévesque installed commercial wireless telephone stations from 2001 to 2009. The resident of Saint-Colomban (Quebec) says in late 2005 he […]

Court told Itron meters are a Fire Hazard

Reed_Answering_Brief INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL UNION NO. 69    page 2 – “On November 4, 2014, the Judge issued his recommended Decision and Order. In his Decision and Order, the Judge found that Respondent unlawfully discharged employee Bobby Reed for engaging in protected concerted activity and/or union activity, when he testified in a […]

Proposed Taywood cell tower makes its way to Ottawa

June 23rd, 2015 If a cellular phone company wants to set up a new tower then a consultation with the affected municipality is a must. But as Beaconsfield resident Scott Hebert and his family found out recently, attaching a new cellular antenna to an existing structure does not require any form of notification. For Lac […]

New Canadian report warns cellphones, Wi-Fi a serious health issue

by Kaymar Jordan on June 20, 2015. A parliamentary committee has waded into the murky scientific debate over cellphones, warning that the ubiquitous devices may cause cancer, infertility, or learning disabilities and urging parents to shield their children from unnecessary exposure. But several leading Canadian health experts say that cellphones and Wi-Fi devices pose less […]

HESA report on Safety Code 6

  “The [HESA] Committee agrees that the potential risks of exposure to RF fields are a serious public health issue that needs to be brought to the attention of Canadians so that they have the knowledge to use wireless devices responsibly and are able to make decisions about the use of wireless devices in a […]

Parliamentary report warns cellphones, Wi-Fi a serious health issue

But several leading Canadian health experts say that cellphones and Wi-Fi devices pose less risk to humans than run-of-the-mill fevers   BY SHARON KIRKEY AND GILLIAN SHAW, POSTMEDIA NEWS AND VANCOUVER SUN   A parliamentary committee has waded into the murky scientific debate over cellphones, warning that the ubiquitous devices may cause cancer, infertility, or […]

BC Hydro sues Vancouver landlord over refusing smart meters

Tenants want smart meters, but the property manager and landlord are blocking them, says BC Hydro   CBC News Posted: Jun 17, 2015 12:17 PM PT Last Updated: Jun 17, 2015 5:09 PM PT BC Hydro employees have been trying since November 2013 to install 100 smart meters in two buildings owned by Rockmill Myers’ company Puppy […]

Smart meters in the Fortis service area Okanagan June 15 2015 – Global News Last Saturday, Dr. Malcolm Paterson gave a presentation in Oliver. In this Global news video, FortisBC is allowed to present its inaccurate responses without comments – about the level of radiation, the safety factors – e.g. a report saying $$meters reduce fire risk. This is the report by Len […]

Wi-Fi is killing me, says woman in Xiamen China allergic to electromagnetic waves

Updated: 12 Jun 2015   Most people simply ask for a Wi-Fi password when they arrive in a restaurant or café offering free Internet access. But things are not so simple for this Xiamen resident.   The resident, who goes by the alias Xiao Yue, said that she wanted to find a living environment that was […]

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