The Quiet Zone: Where mobile phones are banned

By Emile Holba and Sara Jane Hall  Green Bank, West Virginia 19 May 2015  From BBC  Magazine Anyone driving west from Washington DC towards the Allegheny Mountains will arrive before long in a vast area without mobile phone signals. This is the National Radio Quiet Zone – 13,000 square miles (34,000 sq km) of radio […]

Is Wi-Fi making your child ill?

By Florence Waters 8:00 AM Friday May 15, 2015 Radiation emitted by Wi-Fi, mobiles and other wireless devices may be harming your children. Photo / 123RF Six years ago, Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe moved to the country, stopped carrying a mobile phone and sacrificed a successful career in emergency medicine to focus on a new medical interest […]

Berkeley cellphone law renews debate over potential health risks

Berkeley, California passed an ordinance law forcing phone retailers to place warnings on their products regarding potential exposure to radiation. Staff  Published Sunday, May 17, 2015 9:02 PM EDT  A landmark decision in a U.S. city over cellphone use has triggered renewed concerns over the potential health risks associated with our mobile devices. Last […]

Residents say no notice on smart meters

Dawn Russell is on member of a group concerned that FortisBC has begun swapping out old electrical meters for smart meters on the Penticton Indian Band. by  Steve Kidd – Penticton Western News  posted May 14, 2015 at 4:00 PM A group of residents on the Penticton Indian Band are upset that installation of smart electricity meters by FortisBC went […]

Osoyoos couple’s power cut off after refusing smart meter

ROY WOOD / Special to the Herald Cut off Jacob de Raadt stands beside his old analog power meter that’s been disconnected after he accidentally damaged it while trying to protect it from being upgraded to a newer model he has health concerns about.                       […]

Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance

​For Immediate Release​ Survey of Berkeley Residents Affirms Need for City to Adopt ​​ Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance on May 12   Berkeley, Calif. April 30, 2015.   Eighty-two percent (82%) of adults in Berkeley, California reported in a recent survey that they want to be informed when they purchase a cell phone […]

Barely a week after Tesla’s Powerwall battery was announced, it’s sold-out to mid-2016

Michael Graham Richard (@Michael_GR) Technology / Clean Technology May 8, 2015   Elon Musk does it again It’s barely been a week since Tesla unveiled its Powerwall energy system, which scales from residential houses to massive gigawatt-hour utility scale. Not enough time for much to happen, right? Well, apparently people have been waiting for something like this and there’s […]

Scores of Scientists Raise Alarm About the Long-Term Health Effects of Cellphones

Children in particular may be vulnerable. —By Josh Harkinson | Mon May 11, 2015 10:00 AM EDT Are government officials doing enough to protect us from the potential long-term health effects of wearable devices and cellphones? Maybe not. A letter released today, signed by more than 190 scientists from 38 countries, calls on the United Nations, the […]

International Electromagnetic Field Scientist Appeal

Over 190 scientists from 38 nations have submitted an appeal to the United Nations, UN member states and the World Health Organization (WHO) requesting they adopt more protective exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless technology in the face of increasing evidence of risk. These exposures are a rapidly growing form of environmental pollution […]

Health experts say cancer threat from cell phones is greater than we think

By Ben Knight | Daily Brew   May 12, 2015 Can your phone or tablet give you cancer? A large group of international scientists thinks so. Almost 200 scientists and academics from over three dozen countries have issued a letter calling for the United Nations, World Health Organization and governments around the world to tighten regulations around electro-magnetic field (EMF) exposure coming […]

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