Taking Back Our Power

Letter to Editor, Gulf Islands Driftwood July 30, 2012 This will attempt to correct misinformation presented in a “Viewpoint” article which apparently relied on government and industry information to claim that radiofrequency/microwave radiation – EMR – is supposedly safe. This is also to refute some of the misrepresentation found in the letter to the editor […]

Taiwan removal of 1500 Cell Towers

MBABANE – Taiwanese legislators ordered the removal of 1 500 mobile phone masts stating that homes and schools must not be exposed to the risk of radiation. The radiation emitted by mobile phone base stations could cause cancer, miscarriages, and could even drive people to suicide. The action by the Taiwanese government was one of […]

The Rise of the Smart Grid

Obama’s plan for a state-of-the-art electrical grid is gaining power bit by digital bit By MICHAEL GRUNWALD | July 26, 2012 http://business.time.com/2012/07/26/obamas-smart-electrical-grid-plan/ Washington, America’s power center, recently experienced life without power—the kind that gets generated, not the kind that gets wielded. After a nasty storm knocked out the Beltway’s electricity for days during a heat […]

The Smart Grid is the Slave Grid

by Roger Toutant – Civil Liberties – Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada – July 25, 2012 We have all heard the hype about the “smart grid” and it goes something like this:  North Americans are using too much energy.  Consequently, the energy grid is under great stress and may fail.  Our only hope is […]

Cellular towers sprouting around Canadian churches

Churches across Canada are erecting massive cellphone towers on their properties as cash-strapped congregations help feed the country’s insatiable desire for cellular coverage, CBC’s John Lancaster reports. Dartmouth, N.S., Port Sandfield, Ont., Mississauga, Ont., and Calgary are among the communities that have seen the huge towers erected on church property — sometimes disguised as crosses. […]

Class action against BC Hydro for smart meters

CTV British Columbia Published Saturday, Jul. 14, 2012 1:41PM PDT A Vancouver Island man is gearing up for a David and Goliath battle against BC Hydro and its smart meter program by taking the first steps in a class action lawsuit. Phillip Oldridge became outraged when he saw his hydro consumption triple after a smart […]

WiFi report under Investigation

The entire report was based on testing by Karl Reardon who has an easily verifiable conflict of interest:

A former Director and General Manager of Motorola
A current industry consultant (Planetworks and Radiowize) with close financial ties to the telecommunication industry
Collecting paycheques from consultation on cell tower installations
Author of a celltower guidebook for the Municipal Engineers
Holder of seven US and EU patents on wireless and data technology
Chief Technology Officer of Wireless Image whose sole business is the sale of mobile advertising solutions for cellphones

CTV Disguised Infomercial as Investigative Report

Emf Facts Australia Is professional ETHICS part of CTV’s journalism? An Industry-funded and industry-affiliated infomercial was disguised as credible science by CTV News’ investigation on Wi-Fi radiation in schools. This piece is a poor attempt to offer false security to the public by using a flawed protocol and skewed data. It does not appear that CTV has […]

CTV: Wi-Fi Danger in Schools

It’s a shame that CTV – owned by Bell Canada, used a flawed testing protocol to misinform the public about the “low” level of Wi-Fi radiation, in the name of “investigative journalism”. We strongly protest against this PR piece being presented as “news”. Conflict of interest does not only exist at the CTV/Bell level, but also […]

Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation

TORONTO, June 18, 2012 /CNW/ – Women’s College Hospital says family doctors must learn to detect the symptoms of exposure to wireless radiation. The hospital released a statement saying the symptoms include disrupted sleep, headaches, nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, memory problems, and skin rashes. These symptoms are now labelled Electro-magnetic Hyper-sensitivity, or “EMS”. “Health-care practitioners […]

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