Archive for category Canada

Village of Widows

Village of Widows on Vision TV Michele LeTourneau Northern News Services NNSL (Feb 22/99) – The story goes something like this: Many years ago there existed the world’s first uranium mine. It was located on Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories. Many Sahtu Dene men worked for the mine, transporting uranium ore in gunnysacks on […]

BC Human Rights Tribunal approves Smart Meter Class Action

On August 28, 2012, the BCHRT issued a decision approving a representative complaint (akin to a class action) against BC Hydro on behalf of “those persons allegedly diagnosed with electromagnetic hypersensitivity and who have been advised to avoid exposure to wireless technology”.   A copy of the Tribunal’s decision is available at: The Tribunal approved […]

Maintenance call ignites emotional standoff

Maintenance call ignites emotional standoff About ten of us tried to talk the owners out of accepting the smart  meter after their meter glass cracked and Hydro insisted they didn’t  have any more analogue or digital meters left to replace it. The  owners were insistent that they didn’t want a smart meter (they even had a […]

Taking Back Our Power

Letter to Editor, Gulf Islands Driftwood July 30, 2012 This will attempt to correct misinformation presented in a “Viewpoint” article which apparently relied on government and industry information to claim that radiofrequency/microwave radiation – EMR – is supposedly safe. This is also to refute some of the misrepresentation found in the letter to the editor […]

The Smart Grid is the Slave Grid

by Roger Toutant – Civil Liberties – Ludwig von Mises Institute of Canada – July 25, 2012 We have all heard the hype about the “smart grid” and it goes something like this:  North Americans are using too much energy.  Consequently, the energy grid is under great stress and may fail.  Our only hope is […]

Toronto Hospital is First to Recognize Symptoms from Wireless Radiation

TORONTO, June 18, 2012 /CNW/ – Women’s College Hospital says family doctors must learn to detect the symptoms of exposure to wireless radiation. The hospital released a statement saying the symptoms include disrupted sleep, headaches, nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, memory problems, and skin rashes. These symptoms are now labelled Electro-magnetic Hyper-sensitivity, or “EMS”. “Health-care practitioners […]

Telus plans for Coquihalla Tower,tower Telus has applied for approval to erect a 60 m Wireless Communications Tower within the boundaries of the Coquihalla Summit Recreation Area. Although the Zopkios Reststop area could hardly be called “undisturbed”, adding additional non-recreational infrastructure can only detract from the significant visual and environmental values of the C.S.R.A. This is a protected area. What were the […]

Smart Meter started House Fire?

  Video Coverage By: Date: Saturday Jun. 16, 2012 4:47 PM PT Two families in Mission, B.C. will spend a second night in a hotel after a fire forced them from their homes on Friday. Mission Fire Chief Ian Fitzpatrick says fire crews were paged to the 7900-block of Burdock Street around 11:30 p.m. and […]

Vancouver approves motion for MORE cell towers By 24 HOURS Mayor Gregor Robertson is expected to introduce a motion looking at installing more cell phone infrastructure in Vancouver Tuesday morning. Citing a demand of additional coverage and the need for more “4G” infrastructure, the motion suggests Vancouverites are moving away from landlines. Robertson’s motion also wants staff to check out if […]

University effected by Cell Tower

  Over the years Simon Frazer University has grown, and their water tower / cell tower, which was isolated prior to the construction of the numerous condominiums, was not so far away from where all the new residents lived.   Many are not aware of the health concerns about cellular tower antennas, or the past […]

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