Archive for category British Columbia

Tom Fletcher, Goldstream Gazette RE: Smart Meter Class action lawsuit

After all the years of reading Tom Fletcher’s attacks, diatribes and clearly biased articles about smart meters and our resistance to this mandatory program, it was odd to read one that had even a modicum of truth in it. What wasn’t unexpected was he missed the entire point of the class action and the most important part of Judge Adair’s decision.

Too Close for Comfort

A walking bridge in Port Coquitlam, BC had cellular antennas added to it several years go, but recently more were added.  Considering the location is right beside some homes, it was obvious that the levels there were of a concern.  Upon arrival to measure the RF levels, the levels were not too bad down at […]

Canadian Teacher, Forced out by Wi-Fi, Goes on Warpath

Thu., Apr. 7, 2016 By Jack O’Dwyer Maria Plant, British Columbia teacher afflicted with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, has gone on the media warpath after years of rebuffs from government and school officials, scant media attention. She is publicizing the validation of her illness by a Canadian Parliamentary committee in any way she can. Among those resisting her message […]

Websters Corners fight Telus Antenna

Residents speak to Maple Ridge City Council about the proposed cellular antenna tower in Websters Corners (Dwedney Trunk Road).

Standing Committee on Health is asking for the reports on RF

JUNE 15, 2016  The Standing Committee on Health is asking for the reports on Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation and the Health of Canadians be brought up for discussion in the Parliament.Mr. Bill Casey (Cumberland—Colchester, Lib.) : Mr. Speaker, I have the honour to present, in both official languages, the following reports from the Standing Committee on […]

Smart Meter with Radio-Off is still Broadcasting

According to the person who made this video, the meter is said to be off, but the readings show otherwise.  Anyone else with the same findings? “Is your Choice of a BC Hydro Smart Meter with Microwave Transmitter Radio-off, that you are paying extra for each and every month, sneakily broadcasting and actually still on, […]

CFAX : Sharon Noble on Smart Meters

Sharon Noble, the director of the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC is interviewed by CFAX 1070 AM Ian Jessop. June 6, 2016

Royal Canadian Police Summoned on Wi-Fi Threat

Wed., May 11, 2016 By Jack O’Dwyer The Royal Canadian Mounted Police, famed worldwide as “rescuers” and titans of justice, has been summoned by Capt. Jerry Flynn (ret.) to rescue Canada from radiation pollution. RCMP, also known as “the Force” and the “Mounties,” is a federal national police force that works on a contract basis […]

Have you heard the Hum? BC man investigates strange sound heard around the world

By Jon Azpiri  Online News Producer  Global News April 17, 2016 Glen MacPherson first heard the Hum in 2012. He was in Sechelt when he detected a low-level drone that he thought was coming from nearby float planes. Over time, he started to realize the Hum had nothing to do with planes and tried to figure out what exactly was […]

Canadian Teacher, Forced out by Wi-Fi, Goes on Warpath

Thursday  Apr. 7, 2016 By Jack O’Dwyer Maria Plant, British Columbia teacher afflicted with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, has gone on the media warpath after years of rebuffs from government and school officials, scant media attention. She is publicizing the validation of her illness by a Canadian Parliamentary committee in any way she can. Among those resisting her […]

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