Archive for category British Columbia

Where is the Outrage? Mary McBride

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 2:14 pm Where is the outrage when a prominent researcher for the BC and Canadian Cancer Society has admitted to allowing herself to be misrepresented as having a PhD for more than 14 years? Why aren’t people demanding a review of her work and the decisions to which she has contributed? If […]

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Canadian Parliament Committee on Wireless

Dr Sasco’s intro testimony on Apr 29th 2010 before Ottawa Parl. Committee Good morning.
My name is Annie Sasco. I am an MD with doctoral training at
 Harvard in epidemiology, two master’s degrees, and a doctoral degree.
I have been working in cancer epidemiology for the last 25 years at
the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which […]


Safety Code 6 draws criticism at Commons committee meeting

Health advocates and industry clash over health effects from wireless technology Could cell phone towers like this one in Merritt’s downtown core pose a significant health risk to humans?  Some experts say yes. MAY 3, 2010 JOHN O’CONNOR – NEWS EDITOR Concerns over the possible health effects from everyday wireless devices have prompted the federal […]

MPs hear conflicting evidence on cellphone safety

BY MEAGAN FITZPATRICK, CANWEST NEWS SERVICE Vancouver Sun APRIL 27, 2010 A committee of MPs heard conflicting evidence on the safety of cellphones and other wireless technology Tuesday as well as opposing views on whether Canada’s safety standards are strong enough. Photograph by: Archive, Calgary Herald OTTAWA — A committee of MPs heard conflicting evidence […]

Cellular Telephone Technology: Public Health Facts & Concerns

March 2010  – EM Radiation Health Alliance (of BC Canada). In the past Health Canada has told us many things were safe that turned out to be very harmful. Remember thalidomide and deformed babies; asbestos and lung cancer; doctors once said tobacco was safe. In the 1980’s Health Canada claimed the blood supply was […]

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BC Cell phone driving law

E.M. Radiation Health Alliance MEDIA RELEASE (550 words) Media Liaison: Chris Anderson 250-537-5102 [email protected] or alternate liaison: Art Joyce 250-358-2666 [email protected] February 3, 2010: For general distribution The newly formed citizens’ group E.M. Radiation Health Alliance congratulates the B.C. government for its new law providing traffic fines for those using hand-held cell phones or texting […]

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Cell Phone Technology: Public Health Facts & Concerns

Cell Phone Technology:Public Health Facts & Concerns • Don’t Health Canada safety regulations protect me? NO. Health Canada also told us thalidomide, asbestos and the blood supply were safe. Doctors once said tobacco was safe. Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 regulates exposure in the 3 Khz to 300 Ghz range. “Canada’s guidelines are based on […]

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Ottawa linked to cellphone lobbyists

Two senior government officials involved in determining safety standards for cellphone use sit on the health committee of a powerful group that lobbies the federal government on behalf of the telecommunications industry. 2/8/08 Two senior government officials involved in determining safety standards for cellphone use sit on the health committee of a powerful group that […]

Cancer Cluster hits Canadian School surrounded by 3 Towers

9 teachers and 2 students that have been diagnosed with cancer while working or attending Riverside..   The most recent death due to cancer was last week; one of the teachers there developed brain cancer.  She appeared to be fine in November (2007), but now the school and the teachers family is mourning the loss.. link […]

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Burnaby Hospital has worst death rate in B.C.

  FRIDAY, 30 NOVEMBER 2007 Burnaby Hospital executive director Arden Krystal said the numbers were a surprise. “It doesn’t feel consistent with what our experience of patient care is at this hospital, and frankly, not consistent with what the majority of our patients would say our patient care is,” Krystal said.  Well, she would say […]

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