Archive for category British Columbia

Even with Refusal from City – Telus sneaks in Small Cells in Maple Ridge

A year ago Telus met with Maple Ridge City Council in a public meeting about Small Cells.  Many council members were informed about the concerns of wireless antennas close to homes, schools and businesses, and asked many great questions.  At the end of the meeting, council decided to delay the permission for Telus to install […]

Richmond residents voice 5G Antenna health fears

Homeowner told new antenna could be used for the upcoming fast-speed connection Alan Campbell  – Richmond News – DECEMBER 2, 2019 04:53 PM Stephen Shi (left) and AJ Singh are concerned about the installation of a Telus antenna outside of their homes in south-west Richmond. Alan Campbell photo   Richmond residents have expressed health fears […]

The Truth About Safety Code 6

from Newsletter of Nov 30, 2019   In just about every letter from Health Canada, the provincial health authorities, BC Hydro, etc. we are told a significant lie — that Canada’s exposure standard (Safety Code 6) is one of the best in the world. This was never true and it isn’t today.  Some countries even have lower limits […]


StarMetro Vancouver 7 Nov 2019 StarMetro Vancouver     –    7 Nov 2019  –   ME­LANIE GREEN Canada’s wired fu­ture awaits — once it nav­i­gates Huawei, China and Don­ald Trump’s Amer­ica   THE AS­SO­CI­ATED PRESS Bell and Telus await the fed­eral govern­ment’s de­ci­sion on Huawei’s 5G tech­nol­ogy, as they have sub­stan­tial in­vest­ments in the firm, […]

South Surrey man allows smart meter installation ‘under duress’

  BC Hydro says devices emit fraction of radio frequency from a cellphone AARON HINKS Oct. 19, 2019 7:30 a.m. After being told that his power would be shut off, a South Surrey man has grudgingly agreed to allow BC Hydro to install a smart meter on his house, despite concerns for his health. BC […]

FORTIS BC announces Smart Gas Meters

It’s time to upgrade our natural gas meters October 15, 2019 by Deborah Alden A lot has changed since the early 1960s. Back then modern technology in most homes consisted of a record player, a rotary-dial telephone attached to the kitchen wall, an AM radio and a black and white television. Technology has come a […]

We want to know why BC is not banning cell phones and personal devices in our schools?

Oct 12, 2019,  Parents for Safe Schools   Did you know that the Ontario government allowed the parents to make an informed decision, which resulted in 97% of parents voting in favour of banning cell phones in their classrooms?   Did you know Minister of Education, Rob Flemming denied BC parents the same opportunity?   […]

North Vancouver man may lose power after refusing smart meter

Howie Harrington, 72, was among the about 60,000 B.C. Hydro customers who rejected installation of smart meters in 2013. CHERYL CHAN Updated: October 8, 2019 A North Vancouver man said B.C. Hydro is being a “bully” by threatening to cut off his power because he doesn’t want a smart meter installed in his home. Howie […]

Woman wrapped tin foil around BC Hydro meter to prevent pain

By Jeremy Hainsworth August 30, 2019   B.C.’s Human Rights Tribunal has ruled that a B.C. woman can’t prove her smart electrical meter is causing serious health issues. File photo Times Colonist A B.C. woman can’t prove her smart electrical meter is causing “many, very serious, symptoms she describes” and would have a problem proving […]

Pitt Meadows council concerned about cell towers

Asks for more research ahead of 5G technology NEIL CORBETT  Aug. 10, 2019 8:00 a.m. Pitt Meadows Council is asking senior government for reassurances regarding the safety of cell towers. Council recently wrote to Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge MP Dan Ruimy and other politicians and agencies regarding a radio communications tower at 19675 Meadow Gardens Way. […]

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