Archive for category Ericsson

FCC Knew Phones Exceeded Radiation Limits, Hid Info From Public and Courts

FCC testing showed popular cellphone brands exceeded the agency’s safety limits for human exposure to wireless radiation, but the agency hid the information from the public and the courts, according to data obtained by the Environmental Health Trust. 04/24/24   By Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) knew for years that certain popular smartphones exceeded […]

Bell, Telus give 5G contracts to Europeans, Huawei shut out

  ROB GILLIES  Associated Press  2020-06-02 TORONTO (AP) — Two of Canada’s three major telecommunication companies announced Tuesday they’ve decided not to use Chinese tech giant Huawei for their next-generation 5G wireless network. Bell Canada announced that Sweden-based Ericsson will be its supplier and Telus Corp. later announced that it had also selected Ericsson and […]

Telus plans rollout of 5G network using Huawei technology

Chinese component maker accused of stealing state secrets and being an arm of Chinese government CBC News · Posted: Feb 13, 2020 Telecommunications company Telus Corp. says it is planning to roll out its 5G network in the near future using some technology from Chinese component maker Huawei. CFO Doug French told The Financial Post newspaper in […]


StarMetro Vancouver 7 Nov 2019 StarMetro Vancouver     –    7 Nov 2019  –   ME­LANIE GREEN Canada’s wired fu­ture awaits — once it nav­i­gates Huawei, China and Don­ald Trump’s Amer­ica   THE AS­SO­CI­ATED PRESS Bell and Telus await the fed­eral govern­ment’s de­ci­sion on Huawei’s 5G tech­nol­ogy, as they have sub­stan­tial in­vest­ments in the firm, […]

Edmonton explores 5G network potential as experts warn to be careful where it comes from

By Kashmala Fida   Star Edmonton Tues., Oct. 29, 2019   EDMONTON— Edmonton wants to be a leader in 5G cellular wireless communication and although experts commend the forward thinking endeavour, they want city officials to be careful who they get the technology from. Edmonton could benefit from being the first to deploy 5G — a […]

London Ontario requires $5 million insurance coverage for 5G

StopSmartMetersBC newsletter June 24, 2019 : Meeting Tuesday, June 25, 4pm in London, Ontario regarding a pilot project for 5G. A full outline plus the application is included in this link. Point 10 of the application requires $5 million insurance coverage. Nothing specific to EMR but such a broad provision would, I suspect, indemnify the […]

Rogers Secures New 5G Spectrum in Every Province and Territory

  April 10, 2019 Acquires 20-year 600 MHz licenses to build national 5G network for Canadians 600 MHz spectrum is a critical foundation to deploy 5G technology across Canada’s vast landscape TORONTO, April 10, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Rogers Communications announced today it invested $1.7 billion in Canada’s first-ever 5G auction to enable 5G deployment […]

Rogers and UBC ink multi-year agreement to build 5G Hub in Vancouver

Partnership will deliver made-in-Canada 5G technologyWill develop 5G applications to help consumers, businesses and governments save time, money and lives September 20, 2018 VANCOUVER, B.C. (September 20, 2018) – Rogers and the University of British Columbia (UBC) today announced a three year, multi-million dollar partnership deal to build a real-world 5G Hub on the UBC […]

Rogers, Ericsson to test 5G technology in Toronto, Ottawa

Rogers, which is upgrading its existing network, expects 5G wireless technology to be ready for prime time by 2020 EMILY JACKSON Published on: April 16, 2018 | Last Updated: April 16, 2018 5:18 PM EDT   Rogers Communications Inc. has partnered with Ericsson to test 5G wireless technology in Toronto and Ottawa, following its top […]

Insurance Companies Won’t Cover Cell Phone Brain Tumor Product Liability Lawsuits

The insurance industry has refused to provide product liability insurance on cell phones primarily due to this concern as they fear that cell phone litigation may turn out like tobacco or asbestos litigation did with huge punitive awards.   THE NATIONAL | Sep 21, 2010 | 3:10 Cellphone safety questions Some insurance companies take the […]

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