Archive for category Smart Meter

B.C. offers smart-meter alternatives in response to controversy

Tammy Jeske at home in Langford, B.C., with her children Evan,12 (left) and Jaden,10. Tammy has been campaigning to get phones and wi-fi out of schools and has installed this sign to protest new provincial mandated smart meters.  CHAD HIPOLITO/THE GLOBE AND MAIL DIRK MEISSNER VICTORIA THE CANADIAN PRESS PUBLISHED JULY 18, 2013  UPDATED MAY […]

Smart Meter options are NO choice at all

VIEW PDF FORMAT July 18, 2013 • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE It is clear the smart meter “options” offered by our new Minister of Energy only apply to people who don’t have a Smart Meter yet. It doesn’t apply to the thousands of people who were lied to or bullied into taking a Smart Meter against […]

Smart meter surveillance use confirmed

June 20, 2013 Today the San Francisco Chronicle confirmed utilities are giving customers smart meter data to the government and third parties.  Reporter David Baker writes, “Phone records and e-mail aren’t the only kinds of personal data that government agencies can collect on Americans.  They can look at your home’s energy use, too.  And that information can be […]

Electrosmog may cause health problems, group says

CBC News Posted: May 25, 2013 3:21 PM ET Last Updated: May 25, 2013 3:45 PM ET Read comments Smart meters use electromagnetic frequencies to transmit consumption data to power companies, and some people believe they’re a source of health problems. (Toby Talbot/AP file photo) A relatively new type of air pollution called electrosmog may […]

British MPs told of ‘smart’ meter risks; UK rollout delayed by over a year

Dr Liz Evans spoke of health effects, saying there are hundreds of studies showing “evidence of harm could be acute”, including possible “chronic effects from long term exposure such as cancer, infertility, dementia, genetic damage, immune system dysfunction and damage to foetuses”. sources :

BC Hydro Smart Meters Provoke Class Action Lawsuit

CBC  |  Posted: 04/29/2013 6:01 pm EDT  |  Updated: 04/29/2013 8:47 pm EDT Opponents of smart meters are preparing a class action lawsuit against BC Hydro, alleging installation of the high-tech devices has led to thousands of health, safety and privacy concerns over the last two years. Earlier this year, BC Hydro said it would not […]

Hydro-Quebec smart meters spark fears in West Island

by Francois Lemieux – The West Island Chronicle – April 09, 2013: Hydro-Quebec’s plan to install 3.8 million new smart-meters is being challenged by various organizations, municipalities and residents across the province. West Islanders started receiving letters announcing the change in March. Photo archives. Citizens all over the West Island are mobilizing against the new […]

Smart Meter Petition to be presented in BC Legislature March 13 SMART METER PETITION TO BE PRESENTED IN LEGISLATURE March 13, 2013 HIGH PRIORITY – Please get this message out on Facebook, Twitter, and to your personal contacts The CST Petition will be presented AGAIN in the Victoria Legislature on March 13, 2013, thanks to support of John Horgan, NDP Energy Critic. This petition highlights the thousands of […]

BC Hydro reverses policy on Smart Meters

Utility provider says they will now work with resistant customers By Andrew Mitchell In an abrupt about face, BC Hydro reversed its plans to make smart meters mandatory across the province, saying instead that they would work with customers to convince them that the systems are safe and beneficial for homeowners. The decision to adopt Smart […]

A bad case of smart meter regret

by  Jennifer Lang – Cloverdale Reporter posted Feb 6, 2013 at 8:00 AM Cloverdale’s Vern Keller had his doubts when BC Hydro contractors installed the new smart meter in his home 10 months ago, but he didn’t raise a ruckus. He didn’t put up a sign or build a cage around his old meter, like some smart meter resisters. […]

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