Archive for category Smart Meter

Fire from BC Hydro Smart Meter

Smart Meter Explosion & Fire by GIST Anti-smart meter activist Serge Vaillancourt of Nanaimo phoned Chris Anderson, Gulf Islanders for Safe Technology spokesperson, at 2PM today. Serge reports that he was interviewed at his home today by CHEK TV. The News Crew was following up a call about a smart meter explosion and fire at […]

Smart meters bring fear to Agassiz cancer patient by Jessica Peters     December 01, 2011 Kathy Read sleeps with a CPAP mask, designed to help her breathing correctly through the night. She has two metal knees, and walks with a cane. But most importantly, she’s a cancer survivor. Read has been in remission for five years, after treatment for non-hodgkin’s lymphoma that was […]

Couple pressures BC Hydro to remove smart meter

A couple from Cache Creek, B.C., has successfully had their smart meter replaced with an analog meter after complaining to BC Hydro the meter was making them ill, but the utility company has said it won’t be making other exceptions.

Referendum Initiative Announced – Press Conference

Referendum Initiative Announced. Walt McGinnis and Steve Satow of “” formally and publicly launch the referendum initiative against the BC Liberal’s and BC Hydro’s Smart Meters campaign at this press conference.

Family suffers from Smart Meter

Family forced to move after suffering health problems by:Wes Hosking From:Herald Sun November 01, 2011 12:00AM Mark and Maureen Florio and their children John, Teresa and Joseph outside their home. Picture: Bruce Magilton Herald Sun A SMART meter health scare has driven residents from their homes amid fears they are being exposed to high levels of electromagnetic […]

Wire option available for City water meters, resident learns

NOVEMBER 5, 2011 A resident who says she was not informed of an alternative to a wireless water meter wants to ensure other homeowners are aware. Petrina Gregson, who is opposed to the use of wireless meters due to her uncertainty over health risks, now has one installed at her home. Gregson was initially told […]


Widening Call for Immediate Return of Analogs; Disconnection of “Mesh” Wireless Network

High Voltage: Spin & Lies of a Global Energy Grid

by Joyce Nelson The plans have been spun over the decades, but now large corporate players, controlling strategic committees in Washington and Ottawa, are ready to transform the continent and drain Canada of energy – oil, gas, hydro – all without any public involvement except that taxpayers are expected to foot the bill The people […]

Shaw wi-fi wireless mesh system for Vancouver

Shaw super wi-fi wireless mesh system for Vancouver October 30th 2011 Shaw is in the process of rolling out wi-fi on steroids right through Vancouver and all large urban areas – a fully meshed wireless system from parks to undergrounds – absolutely everything wi-fried – this is without any regulations, no public consultation, behind closed doors […]

Smart Meter Fight

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