Archive for category Smart Meter

Some Duke Energy customers claim smart meters are making them sick.

Here’s how you can opt out. Tonya Simpson, Diane Wilson Monday, October 01, 2018 06:30PM New options are now available for some Duke Energy customers who want to “opt out” of a controversial new technology. Starting Oct. 1, Duke Energy Carolina customers will have the option of saying ‘no’ to having new smart meters installed […]

BC Political Candidates – Are they aware of the risks with 5G?

Another Municipal Election is approaching in, just in time too.  Telus, Shaw, Rogers and Bell all want to install 5G wireless beside your home, school and business.   Residents in BC cities have experienced this sudden installation and been questioning why they were not informed.  City councils are often approached by the wireless industry asking […]

Rogers, UBC partner to build 5G innovation hub on campus

The Canadian Press  September 20, 2018 VANCOUVER — Rogers Communications Inc. has partnered with the University of British Columbia to build a campus hub for 5G innovation. The telecommunications company says it will deploy 5G-ready network equipment on the campus early next year. The wireless technology is up to 100 times faster than the current 4G […]

Rogers and UBC ink multi-year agreement to build 5G Hub in Vancouver

Partnership will deliver made-in-Canada 5G technologyWill develop 5G applications to help consumers, businesses and governments save time, money and lives September 20, 2018 VANCOUVER, B.C. (September 20, 2018) – Rogers and the University of British Columbia (UBC) today announced a three year, multi-million dollar partnership deal to build a real-world 5G Hub on the UBC […]

Port Hardy resident furious over smart meter installation

“They came into my house without consent and it wasn’t even a BC Hydro employee.” TYSON WHITNEY  Sep. 14, 2018 11:55 a.m. Al Dodd is livid that BC Hydro went on his property without permission and installed a smart meter against his wishes. Dodd, who lives on Daphne Street in Port Hardy and has been firmly […]

Dr. Martin Pall predicts end of humanity in 5-7 Years

Please listen to Dr. Martin Pall’s chilling information about “non-ionizing radiation” and what can happen if 5G is not stopped. Deterioration of cognitive capabilities is irreversible (unless humans are completely different from mice in the studies) and likewise sterility/infertility. (and not just humanity, of course) This interview played on KPFA’s Your Own Health and Fitness […]

India : Schools, markets closed as Kota protests Smart Metre installation

The TIMES of INDIA  :  TNN   Aug 11, 2018 KOTA : In protest against the installation of smart metres by Kota Electricity Distribution Limited (KEDL), a franchise of Jaipur Vidyutt Vitran Nigam Limited (JVVNL) and high electricity bills from them, the markets, private schools and other commercial institutions in Kota city on Friday remained completely […]

iPhone Catches on Fire in Man’s Pocket, Causing Severe Burns, says New Lawsuit

Lawsuit Claims iPhone Was Defective and Lacked Appropriate Safety Features NORTH CHARLESTON, SC, August 09, 2018 /24-7PressRelease A South Carolina man caught on fire after the battery in his iPhone 6 exploded, according to a recent lawsuit. The phone was in his pocket, when it heated up, exploded and set his clothes on fire, causing […]

EKG proof – Smart meters damage your heart

  Posted by: Lori Alton, staff writer  in Smart Meter Dangers June 9, 2017    (NaturalHealth365) Over 65 million American homes have currently been outfitted with ‘smart meters.’  Meanwhile, natural health experts and consumer rights advocates continue to speak out against the threat of this wireless technology – which exposes us all to highly-toxic frequency vibrations. In fact, research has shown […]

California : Smart meters are coming to Siskiyou County

By Tim Holt Posted Jul 24, 2018 at 12:01 AM Installation of “Smart” meters began this week in Siskiyou County. The new meters will replace existing “analog” meters that require on-site readings to determine a customer’s energy use. With the new meters, a customer’s energy use can be monitored daily, even hourly, from a remote location by the utility. While saving […]

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