Archive for category Ontario

Elected Officials : It is critically Important that you Educate yourself about “5G” technology and realize that scientists globally want it banned!

Dear Elected Officials,
For your sake and that of all Canadians, please give this “5G” (fifth generation) technology ‘radiation’ the urgent attention it deserves! Read the Dec. 3, 2018 news release from Washington, D.C.: “U.S. Senator Blumenthal from CT and REP. Eshoo from CA, both members of the Senate Committee that oversees the FCC (Federal Communications Committee), wrote a letter to the FCC demanding PROOF that “5G”is SAFE” to humans!


Google’s “Smart City Of Surveillance” Faces New Resistance In Toronto

  Ava Kofman November 13 2018, 9:03 a.m. THE WORLD’S MOST ambitious “smart city,” known as Quayside, in Toronto, has faced fierce public criticism since last fall, when the plans to build a neighborhood “from the internet up” were first revealed. Quayside represents a joint effort by the Canadian government agency Waterfront Toronto and Sidewalk Labs, which […]


Ottawa’s worries grow over Huawei’s global ambitions; Canada to discuss united front on U.S. auto tariffs

Finally, Canada is taking notice of Huawei, which has provided all the transmitters for Telus’s microcells and is a partner in the pilot projects for 5G in Vancouver.  Why has it taken so long for Ottawa to even notice that this Chinese agent is involved in our infrastructure? Who knows what else they are involved […]


Small Cells in Ontario

For the last few years Bell has been installing Small Cell Antennas (eNodeB) 4G LTE around southern Ontario.  People concerned about the high levels of microwave radiation were waiting for information from others concerned in Ontario, however the locations where Bell was testing these new antennas were seldom in the same areas.  While investigating another […]


Toronto Waterfront to become 5G Smart City

    Alphabet will start Toronto Smart City Project this Summer.  Residents still have Questions. April 10, 2018 Toronto’s about to get the “world’s first neighborhood built from the internet-up,” according to the company behind the project. Residents, though, aren’t totally sold on the idea. Reuters reports that Google’s parent company, Alphabet, and its “urban innovation […]


“Ostrich with its head in the sand”: Mississauga mom demands Catholic school board accommodate son’s Wi-Fi injury

“It’s a bigger problem than people realize,” said Paulette Rende. Jun 13, 2018 by Marta Marychuk  –  Mississauga News Alex Rende and his mother Paulette Rende outside the Dufferin Peel Catholic Separate School Board offices on Matheson Boulevard West. The Rendes are contending that Wi-Fi signals in the schools are causing issues with his health. Jun 6, […]


Hydro meter fire in Ontario

CTV Barrie Published Saturday, May 26, 2018 7:23PM EDT Last Updated Sunday, May 27, 2018 6:50PM EDT The Ontario Fire Marshall’s office has wrapped up its investigation into an early morning fire which destroyed two homes in the community of Baxter. The fire broke out at home on Murphy Road near County Road 10 shortly […]


Ottawa house fire, Power Surges in Neighbouring homes

An Ottawa home catches fire from surge at electrical meter, while 5 or 6 homes next door also had surges / burn marks   Neighbours also experienced power surge April 17, 2018 Dana Laflamme’s electrical panel now has a large burn mark beside it. There are many examples of power surges occurring causing fires, […]


Rogers, Ericsson to test 5G technology in Toronto, Ottawa

Rogers, which is upgrading its existing network, expects 5G wireless technology to be ready for prime time by 2020 EMILY JACKSON Published on: April 16, 2018 | Last Updated: April 16, 2018 5:18 PM EDT   Rogers Communications Inc. has partnered with Ericsson to test 5G wireless technology in Toronto and Ottawa, following its top […]


5G CORRIDOR for Ontario & Quebec

$400-million, public-private investment will create a 5G wireless corridor through Canada’s two largest provinces, which will support the growing network of physical devices, vehicles and other objects that are increasingly communicating directly with each other.


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