Archive for category symptoms

Firefighters Suffer Brain Damage Following Contact With 5G Cell Towers

reports of adverse effects from 5G come just days after major university study By: Riva Mendoza  |@NeonNettle on 13th July 2018 Firefighters in Sacramento, CA have reported brain damage including severe memory problems and confusion following the installation of new 5G cell towers outside the city fire station.The reports of adverse effects from 5G come just days […]

Michigan state senator reveals the danger of wireless devices on the Senate floor

Posted by: Jonathan Landsman  in EMF Pollution, Politics and Health May 4, 2018   (Naturalhealth365) With the overwhelming popularity of cell phones, laptops, smart meters and WiFi routers, it truly seems as if we are adrift in a “sea of microwaves” – to quote a phrase coined by renowned geneticist Dr. Mae-Wan Ho. The rollout of 5G technology, and the […]

The town facing a ‘humanitarian crisis’ caused by the radiation from state-of-the-art street lamps: Residents have endured insomnia, nose bleeds and even stillbirths, scientist claims

Mark Steele is aware of three women who lost babies since lights were installed One local resident gave birth to a deformed child that survived just three hours Research suggests light transmitters prevent healthy cell and gene expression Such radiation has been linked to cancer, insomnia and mental-health disorders Past research found Wi-Fi radiation increases […]

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5G CORRIDOR for Ontario & Quebec

$400-million, public-private investment will create a 5G wireless corridor through Canada’s two largest provinces, which will support the growing network of physical devices, vehicles and other objects that are increasingly communicating directly with each other.

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5G Heads Off Korean Wild Boars

By Computer Daily News | 14 Feb 2018 The fifth-generation wireless network, 5G, has been making a worldwide debut at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang.  Among other things, the technology is being used to ward off the local wildlife, including wild pigs that roam the mountainous region around the Games – with fast-acting systems that shoot rays, spew […]

5G Radiation Dangers – 11 Reasons To Be Concerned

5G: The Same Frequencies Used for Pain-Inflicting Crowd Control Weapons Form the Foundation of the Network That Will Tie Together More Than 50 Billion Devices as Part of the Internet of Things Please share this article with your friends and family.    Like it or not we’re rapidly moving into the world […]

Barrie Trower “5G Will Devastate Humanity” A radio show in the UK interviews Barrie Trower, a former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert explains what the risks of 5G

Canadians claiming to have ‘electromagnetic hypersensitivity’ feel forced to escape modern life

Sunday January 14, 2018 Listen to the Audio  12:12 David Fancy first noticed it while was living in Montreal in the early 2000s. He got headaches and heard ringing in his ears after he used his cell phone. It got worse when he moved into an apartment near power lines and a cell tower. It […]

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Study : Cell and Wi-Fi in pregnancy increase the risk of abortion

A survey conducted in California on 913 pregnant women showed that in women more exposed to radiation generated by electromagnetic fields, the risk of abortion was increased by 270%. And a few days ago, the US government issued guidelines to warn consumers of the risks associated with mobile phones   Erika Corpo   December 26, 2017 Exposure […]

Mass Hysteria or Microwave Weapons — What’s Behind the ‘Sonic Attacks’ on U.S. Diplomats in Cuba?

BY KATHERINE HIGNETT   12/16/2017 AT 8:00 AM EST Updated | Mass hysteria, microwave weapons and secret sonic attacks sound like plot points in a bad Cold War-themed B-Movie. But one of them could be the key to understanding the mysterious illness that has haunted a group of diplomatssince February 2016. Earlier this year, reports emerged of […]

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