Archive for category Barrie Trower

Havana Syndrome Injuries from High Powered Microwaves

DEC 30, 2024 – Former Intelligence Officer Claims Career Ending Injuries Caused By Foreign Directed Energy Weapon Leaked Defense Department Letter Acknowledges Injuries and Experiences “Are Real”

Whistleblower Former School Staff Tells All

March 8, 2023 Brad former school staff of Vernon B.C. fired for sharing his concerns about the well-being of the students and staff. He shares about AI and facial recognition software installed in schools, computer devices capturing data on all the children, and the EMF readings he finds from inside the school.     source […]

Barrie Trower “5G Will Devastate Humanity” A radio show in the UK interviews Barrie Trower, a former Royal Navy microwave weapons expert explains what the risks of 5G

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