Archive for category symptoms

Mandatory Exposure to Microwave Radiation In Our Schools Has Left 11 Year Old With No Where To Go To School

ParentsforSafeSchool‏  and  SafeinSchoolOrg 8:24 AM – 21 Jul 2016 Tyler is one of many children who is suffering from the mandatory exposure to the wireless technology that has been installed in our schools. Parents are frustrated with having to deal with School Boards who are willfully turning a blind eye to the thousands of […]

The Bioeffects Resulting from Prokaryotic Cells and Yeast Being Exposed to an 18 GHz Electromagnetic Field

The Hong Phong Nguyen , Vy T. H. Pham , Song Ha Nguyen , Vladimir Baulin, Rodney J. Croft, Brian Phillips,Russell J. Crawford, Elena P. Ivanova Published: July 8, 2016    Abstract The mechanisms by which various biological effects are triggered by exposure to an electromagnetic field are not fully understood and have been the subject of debate. Here, the […]

Allergic to Wi-Fi? (CBS)

The Doctors (CBS)   Jul 13, 2016 Can you be allergic to Wi-Fi? Chemical electromagnetic-sensitivity expert Dr. Lisa Nagy joins The Doctors to increase awareness about this very real condition.

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Canadian Teacher, Forced out by Wi-Fi, Goes on Warpath

Thu., Apr. 7, 2016 By Jack O’Dwyer Maria Plant, British Columbia teacher afflicted with electromagnetic hypersensitivity, has gone on the media warpath after years of rebuffs from government and school officials, scant media attention. She is publicizing the validation of her illness by a Canadian Parliamentary committee in any way she can. Among those resisting her message […]

Homeowners say smart meters are damaging their health, causing chronic pain, hair loss and sensitivity to light

Wednesday, June 15, 2016 by: Daniel Barker Tags: smart meters, health effects, electropollution (NaturalNews) By 2014, smart meters had been installed in nearly 50 million American homes, and despite assurances by power companies that they are completely safe, many people are reporting serious health issues caused by them – and many experts believe that they can indeed pose a health […]

Have you heard the Hum? BC man investigates strange sound heard around the world

By Jon Azpiri  Online News Producer  Global News April 17, 2016 Glen MacPherson first heard the Hum in 2012. He was in Sechelt when he detected a low-level drone that he thought was coming from nearby float planes. Over time, he started to realize the Hum had nothing to do with planes and tried to figure out what exactly was […]

Significant Decrease of Clinical Symptoms after Mobile Phone Base Station Removal

In several cases, significant effects on the inhabitants’ health could be proven. The health of these inhabitants was shown to improve after the removal of the antennas, and the researchers could identify no other factors that could explain this health improvement. These examinations and interviews suggest that there are possible adverse health effects related to […]

Spain : Group of physicians evaluate the health of those affected by the Antennas

Antennas on the building Salvino Sierra.  Antennas on the building Salvino Sierra. / Antonio Quintero Optional Madrid and Asturias made a questionnaire to check alterations in neighboring Sierra exposed Salvino NORTH | PALENCIA, Spain October 28, 2015   The platform affected by mobile phone antennas at Salvino Sierra has released a statement in which they […]

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Missouri Smart Meter Injury

  More information about other EHS from wireless

Wi-Fi Lawsuit Claims Electromagnetic Radiation Exposure Caused Syndrome

Aug 26, 2015, 4:17 PM ET By GILLIAN MOHNEY Parents’ Wi-Fi Lawsuit Draws Attention to Controversial Condition  A lawsuit filed by a Massachusetts couple claiming that a school’s Wi-Fi network is harming their son is drawing attention to a condition that is so controversial that many in the medical community even question its existence. The […]

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