Archive for category health and safety

Sperm count down more than 50% in North America

from SSM Newsletter : CBC The National reported on the reduced sperm count in men, down nearly 60% in North America over the last 38 years. As I mentioned in yesterday’s update, there is nothing re. RF and the many studies showing that RF, especially from cell phones, affects sperm both in count and […]

ISED ( INDUSTRY CANADA ) wants 5G comments by SEPT 15

  NOTE :  ISED extended the deadline to SEPT 15, 2017   The federal department responsible for granting the expansion of transmitters and towers, Innovation, Science and Economic Development (formerly Industry Canada) is asking for public comments regarding 5G technology by Aug. 4.   It is important that all of us express our concerns and […]

5G : Canadian Gov Consultation on Releasing Millimetre Wave Spectrum

  Figure 1 – Canadian frequency allocations in the 28 GHz band This figure shows Canadian frequency allocations in the 28 GHz band (27.5 to 28.35 GHz). It shows that the entire band is currently allocated to fixed, fixed-satellite (Earth–to-space) and mobile services on a co-primary basis. It also shows that there are footnotes for the frequency ranges 27.500-27.501 GHz (No. 5.538), 27.501-28.35 GHz (No. 5.540), and […]

Wifi Refugees Documentary

Published on Jul 19, 2017 Although these people are sick, their illness is difficult to diagnose, and it’s even harder to convince others that it actually exists. Their symptoms include cluster headaches, nausea, chronic fatigue, a burning sensation on the skin, and a metallic taste in the mouth. Sufferers claim the cause is wireless technology. […]

Another Brain Tumour victim demands that SMALL CELLS be STOPPED

Published on Jul 13, 2017 5G Wireless streamlining bills to place mini cell towers in front of homes are moving forward nationwide with fierce opposition from municipalities. Learn more at   Bill SB649 in California   SB649: Autonomous Cars and Autonomous Lies BY DR. JONATHAN L. KRAMER, ON OCTOBER 6TH, 2017 In […]

Health Canada continues to support erroneous statement on Marketplace

Feature from EMRABC member site People are still getting responses to their emails regarding the CBC program about cellphones. One, and a response back, is below in Letters. Tim Singer is trying to personalize letters to some extent, but he continues to miss the point. A question I asked in response to the same letter that […]

Danish woman forced to get Smart Meter

Published on Jul 2, 2017 Danish woman Kirsten is just one of an increasing number of people who are allergic to radiation from wireless technology. She had to move into the woods to escape exposure to the increasing radiation – but now the energy company is demanding a wireless electricity meter.  

eNodeB – Small Cell : Plan To Install 50,000 Cell Towers In California Faces Opposition

Plan To Install 50,000 Cell Towers In California Faces Opposition June 28, 2017 7:48 PM By Phil Matier Filed Under: Cell Towers, Internet, San Jose WALNUT CREEK (KPIX 5) – Up to 50,000 cell phone towers coming to cities across California. But will you get a say on where they pop up? California cities are now fighting back at a […]

After 2 Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Kids and Parents Protest Cell Tower on School Grounds

POSTED 4:46 PM, MAY 31, 2017  BY KAY RECEDE, UPDATED AT 04:33PM, MAY 31, 2017 RIPON CALIFORNIA  — In a colorful protest, about two dozen Weston Elementary school kids in Ripon skipped class on Wednesday and demanded that the Ripon Unified School District remove what they believe is a cancer causing agent. “Take down that cell tower,” […]

Your Cell Phone Can Cause Your Immune System To Crash And Sperm Count To Drop

 By Neil @ May 2017 Recently I got ill for the first time in about 4 years – a full blown cold. I decided something was up with my immune system. Most people would just think it’s normal. I don’t. My understanding now about getting sick, is that when I get sick, I have screwed […]

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