Archive for category health and safety

Does YOUR toddler play on an iPad? Taiwan makes it ILLEGAL for parents to let children under two use electronic gadgets… and under-18s must limit use to ‘reasonable’ lengths

  Children under two banned from using electronic devices in Taiwan Parents who allow children to use iPads and smartphones face fines Under-18s are only allowed devices for a ‘reasonable length of time’   By SARA MALM FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 09:13 GMT, 28 January 2015 | UPDATED: 07:45 GMT, 29 January 2015   Taiwan has […]

26 Smart Meters make person sick

Maryland woman suffers acute radiation exposure from a bank of smart meters Maryland Smart Meter Awareness volunteers visited with a Maryland resident to help her share her own smart meter story in hopes to help others avoid the suffering she endured. This woman was unaware of any potential issues with wireless smart utility meters and […]

BILL C-648

An Act Respecting the Prevention of Potential Health Risks From Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation On Monday January 19th 2015 Oakville Member of Parliament Terence Young announced multi-party support for his Private member’s Bill requiring manufacturers of wireless devices to place health warnings labels on their packaging. Terence Young is known for championing a new Law enacted […]

Chilliwack Smart Meter Fire

Moody Meter Fire Blaze apparently caused by smart meter explosion Friday, January 16, 2015 Staff/Voice photos Chilliwack fire crews were at the scene of a blaze on Moody Ave. apparently caused when a smart meter exploded. uestions have risen over the safety of smart meters after reports that one exploded and caused a fire around […]

Quebec : Router installed without the consent of citizens of d’Asbestos : Hydro-Québec backtracked

Updated Tuesday, December 23, 2014 At 15 h 10 PST Geneviève Proulx  Radio-Canada   english version via Google Translate original french release : Three months after the installation of a router on his property without his permission, a couple of d’Asbestos has finally been successful. Hydro-Québec has removed the device last week. This is a […]

Strong criticism of the WHO report on cell phone radiation

Monica Kleja  Published December 17, 2014 15:05 Some 40 organizations deliver strong critique against report by the WHO Expert Group on the effects of mobile phone radiation and requires increased transparency of the experts. In November, a group of experts working for the World Health Organization drafted a major report that assesses health risks surrounding […]

World’s first medical study of smart-meter health complaints

 By André Fauteux La Maison du 21e siècle magazine Initially, Montrealer Pierre Lepage was glad to receive the letter Hydro-Québec mailed him in 2011. It announced the upcoming replacement of the six electric meters located in his basement appartment’s kitchen, by wireless “smart” meters that communicate with radiofrequency microwaves (RF/MWs). “I told myself, thanks to […]

UL begins work on utility meter standard for Canada

UL technical experts are helping Canadian stakeholders develop an electric utility meter standard for Canada. RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. – Nov. 25, 2014 – UL (Underwriters Laboratories) is pleased to announce that Canadian stakeholders, with the assistance of UL technical experts, are set to begin work on the development of an electric utility meter standard for […]

Health Crisis Looms in British Columbia Because Province Remains Ignorant of Non-Thermal Radiation!

Health Crisis Looms in British Columbia Because Province Remains Ignorant of Non-Thermal Radiation! November 18, 2014 Subject: Enemies of the People: Health Canada’s Radiation Protection Bureau and B.C.’s Provincial Health Officer   Enemies of the People: 1.     Health Canada’s Radiation Protection Bureau 2.     BC’s Provincial Health Officer   Non-thermal radiation, that which is […]

Smart Meter Blamed for Causing Fire and Killing Dogs Couple escapes fire, blames smart meter (UPDATE) – Fox 2 News  A couple escapes a house fire in Detroit. Sadly, their dogs died in the blaze. Investigators are still working to determine the cause, but the people who live there insist a smart meter is to blame. By Randy Wimbley, Fox 2 News. DETROIT, […]

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