Archive for category 5G

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

What is the infamous ID2020?  It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society.  It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. By Peter Koenig Global Research, March 12, 2020 Theme: Intelligence, Media Disinformation, Science and Medicine It seems, the more there is written […]

Seeking Justice Around the Globe : Lawsuit to Stop 5G Filed in the Netherlands

March 10, 2020 By Susan Foster & Martine Vriens The Dutch stop 5G group, Stop5GNetherlands, filed an injunction against the Dutch State on February 25, 2020, invoking an emergency procedure to stop the rollout of 5G. This lawsuit is joining a growing body of litigation against governments around the globe, including the Children’s Health Defense lawsuit […]

Coronavirus started in China from Wuhan, between Military Games and 5G up to 60 Ghz

FIRST PART – EXCLUSIVE INQUIRY SANA OASI – Repost in English  Feb 24, 2020 READ PART TWO HERE   by Maurizio Martucci ” May those who are still in Wuhan overcome this challenge as soon as possible .” Pandora TV raises hope for China in the disturbing reportage on the ghost town: deserted streets in broad […]

Coronavirus, according to studies and experts with 5G, there is “immunosuppression and non-absorption of Oxygen”. That is, the identity of the virus!

 SECOND PART – EXCLUSIVE INQUIRY OASI SANA – Repost in English  READ FIRST PART HERE Feb 25, 2020 by Maurizio Martucci We have no absolute certainties. But, on the other hand, we have several tests and a series of clues that are anything but marginal, in addition to authoritative opinions.We tracked them down and lined up […]

Coronavirus and 5G in the China – Coincidences and Strange Overlaps

PART THREE – EXCLUSIVE INQUIRY OASI SANA – Repost in English  by Maurizio Martucci Read Part ONE, Read Part Two Feb 24, 2020 The digital solidarity launched by Paola PisanoMinister of technological innovation and digitization and already collected by 12 telecommunications companies is paired with the donation of 2,000 iPhones to passengers and crew of the cruise […]

Did the 5G rollout in Wuhan damage the innate cellular defense cells of the population, putting the people at risk of complications and death from coronavirus?

02/26/2020 / By Lance D Johnson Scientists have been sounding the alarm about the dangers of 5th generation wireless technology. Some countries have heeded the warning about wireless radiation and the harmful effects of EMFs. China, on the other hand, has completely ignored all warnings and has proceeded to unleash 5G faster than any other […]

Canada’s first 5G network goes live in four cities

Rogers intends to charge extra for 5G in 2021, however. Jon Fingas, @jonfingas March 6, 2020 You no longer need to head to the US if you want a taste of 5G in North America. After starting its rollout in January, Rogers has switched onCanada’s first live 5G network in the downtown cores of Montreal, […]

A Critical Examination of the Coronavirus-5G Connection

  SHOW NOTES AND MP3 AUDIO: Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us to discuss the hypothesis that 5G is responsible for the symptoms associated with the coronavirus outbreak. We discuss the identifiable facts and the notable shortcomings with this hypothesis, and we contrast that with Derrick’s documentary, which lays out the no-nonsense, […]

Ottawa pledges affordable Wireless

Canadians need to use wireless LESS not MORE, but the Canadian Government is wanting to make more money from 5G ( Yes Industry Canada makes money on Cell Tower permits ), encouraging cell phone providers to reduce the telecom prices in the next two years.  

5G – 60GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties 4:40   “Absorbs Oxygen – start to osculate , prevents the body from taking in Oxygen”   “the symptoms of this is what we were seeing in Wuhan, people falling over” Evaluation of the Potential Biological Effects of the 60-GHz Millimeter Waves Upon Human Cells Maxim Zhadobov, Member, IEEE, Christophe Nicolas Nicolaz, Ronan Sauleau, Senior Member, IEEE, […]

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