Archive for category 5G

FCC Ruling on 5G Infrastructure May Hurt Cities

San Jose, Calif., and Lincoln, Neb., cry foul over the FCC’s plan to cut red tape for small cell antenna deployment rules. BY ELIZABETH ZIMA / MARCH 19, 2018 The Federal Communications Commission is poised to make a directive on 5G, the next-generation, high-speed wireless standard, that could significantly affect local government control of infrastructure. Two cities, San […]

5G CORRIDOR for Ontario & Quebec

$400-million, public-private investment will create a 5G wireless corridor through Canada’s two largest provinces, which will support the growing network of physical devices, vehicles and other objects that are increasingly communicating directly with each other.

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5G threat to Trees in UK

Group : Stop 5G UK Cathy Dowd 5,500 trees cut down in Sheffield to make way for new 5G Mobile Phone network. Chainsaw men protected by Police from protesters. I saw one Video of a tree being hauled away with a protester wrapped around it. The trees had originally been planted to commemorate war heroes. 5G […]

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Small Cell Antennas in California

DAS: The Cell Antenna on Your Block (Distributed Antenna Systems)

UK 5G testbed bid winners announced

Saturday, 10th March, 2018 11:00am By Simon Perry    ShortURL: The Government reveals the six 5G testbed areas across the UK that have been selected to share in the £25m funding – and what each hopes to achieve. After OnTheWight revealed that council was supporting a consortium bidding for a 5G testbed licence for the Isle of Wight, there’s been […]

5G test site erected at Ottawa City Hall

By  Rose Behar   NOV 24, 2017 7:26 PM EDT   Mobilesyrup Canada’s Communications Research Centre (CRC) and the City of Ottawa have teamed up to launch a 5G test site at Ottawa City Hall. Navdeep Bains, minister of innovation, science and economic development, and Jim Watson, mayor of Ottawa, both celebrated the test site’s launch on […]

“5G” Wireless Is the New Fiber Optic, Bait-and-Switch Scandal

You can fool most of the people most of the time. With “5G”, you can fool almost everyone except those in on the joke.   Why should you care? This is just the latest in a long list of scandals by AT&T and Verizon to use the promise of a new technology to get rid […]

Sprint and Verizon also announce 5G rollout

First cities to install VERIZON, AT&T and SPRINT 5G networks in USA

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AT&T names first three cities to get its ultra-fast 5G network

   February 21, 2018: 9:19 AM ET  by Kaya Yurieff   @kyurieff   The promise of faster mobile service is finally getting on the map later this year — and it’s headed south. AT&T announced late Tuesday it will first roll out 5G to three locations: Dallas, Texas; Waco, Texas; and Atlanta.  The wireless giant previously said it […]

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Huawei & Telus: Is our Data & DNA at Risk at their 5G “Living Lab”?

  “5G, microcells, the internet of things, and the “smart” revolution might make telecoms and industry a lot of dollars, but for the rest of us, they just don’t make sense.” SALT SPRING, February 17 2018 Citizens for Safe Technology   Vancouverites may very well be guinea pigs in the experiment of the century. Instead […]

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