MPUC votes to require smart meter opt-out program for consumers – May 18, 2011 Source: Maine Public Utilities Commission The Maine Public Utilities Commission voted to require Central Maine Power (CMP) to offer an opt-out program for customers who choose not to have a standard smart meter installed as part of CMP’s smart meter […]
Archive for category wireless devices
New Studies Confirm Cell Phone Hazards “Stunning proof” ignored in North America, scientists say
May 27
05/23/2011 Mark Huffman | Since the days when cell phones were the size of bricks, there has been debate over the safety of these devices, which use radio waves to transmit voice and data. A number of studies, stretching back more than a decade, have suggested extended cell phone exposure increases the risk of […]
A letter-writer suggests that the “smart meters” B.C. Hydro is installing in homes are both unsafe and insecure, as a result of the wireless technology the meters employ. Photograph by: Bill Keay, Postmedia News, Times Colonist B.C. Hydro’s ad promoting the “smart meters” it plans to install in July claimed they will keep rates lower. […]
by Sue Earle, Salt Spring Island – Times Colonist Life section – May 21, 2011: B.C. Hydro is installing smart meters around B.C., and Saltspring has been targeted for blanket installations. We are opposed to this, as our own experience, as well as much research, shows that this wireless technology has a deleterious effect […]
Dear Editor, Oliver Chronicle : May 18th 2011 Recently I have learned that FortisBC plans to replace our power meters with a wireless meter. The new meters will be able to read the amount of electrical use of all appliances and outlets in our home every few minutes throughout the day. This wireless radiation will […]
According to the BCUC report, BC Hydro plans to increase costs to the customers in order to help cover the expenses of their questionable Smart Meter Program. The concerned public is not aware of what is going on, due to details being buried in tons of paperwork. Could it have something to do with the […] Mobile phones and computers with wireless internet connections pose a risk to human health and should be banned from schools, a powerful European body has ruled. Mobile phones and wireless networks should be banned in school, a European body has ruled. Photo: REX FEATURES By Richard Gray, Science Correspondent 9:30PM BST 14 May 2011 527 […]
Posted on May 12, 2011 by Anthony Watts The promise was to help you control your electricity bill by becoming more aware of your energy use. The downside is that with the data gathered, other people and businesses can also become more aware of your habits, like when you go to work, go on vacation, […] Gulf Islands Driftwood – Opinion Viewpoint – Smart meters are a bad idea By Contributed Opinion – Gulf Islands Driftwood Published: May 04, 2011 10:00 AM By DULCY WILSON I am very concerned about BC Hydro installing smart meters all over Salt Spring Island. I think it is a very bad idea for many […]
By Rosalind Peterson May 3, 2011 Across the United States a quiet rebellion is starting to gain momentum as reports about SMART METERS have begun to find their way into to local newspapers, radio, and television news. In California, as Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), began to roll-out their SMART Meter installation program, […]