Archive for category BCHYDRO

You’re Going to Get Zapped

Why you shouldn’t believe Premier Clark’s claims her government just spared you from big Hydro rate hikes. by Bill Tieleman – The Tyee – May 29, 2012 Restore an independent Utilities Commission to re-regulate BC Hydro’s electricity rates.” — BC Liberal Party 2001 election platform. Some political promises are hard to keep, others are violated […]

Squamish : Local Vows to Fight BC Hydro over Smart Meters

“BC Hydro has no right to come to my property, and if they do, I will take them to court,” said Ferdinand Vondruska. (Shaw TV photo) By Gagandeep Ghuman Published: May 5, 2012 When BC Hydro engineers come to install smart meters at the Paradise Valley home of Ferdinand Vondruska, they shouldn’t expect a warm […]

Vancouver to push BC Hydro on Smart Meters By: Date: Wednesday May. 2, 2012 6:07 PM PT Vancouver city council has voted to pressure BC Hydro to give residents the right to opt-out of the divisive smart meter program. The motion from councillor Adriane Carr was passed unanimously Wednesday after council heard from dozens of angry citizens. Joelly Collins, the daughter of singer […]

David Chalk on Smart Meter Hacking

Smart Meters Protest on Salt Spring Island Published on Apr 13, 2012 Smart Meters Protest on Salt Spring Island. BC Hydro had informed the residents of Pioneer Village on Salt Spring that “some” meter work was going to be done on Friday 13 April 2012. As far as I know Gary was contracted just to ground the meters that had never […]

Hacking Expert David Chalk Joins Urgent Call to Halt Smart Grid – For immediate release, 12 April 2012 – “100% certainty of catastrophic failure of energy grid within 3 years unless course is changed” VANCOUVER, British Columbia–(BUSINESS WIRE) The vulnerability of the energy industry’s new wireless smart grid will inevitably lead to lights out for everyone, according to leading cyber expert David Chalk. In an online interview […]

Spiking BC Hydro Bills Blamed on Smart Meters

Published on Apr 4, 2012 CTV Vancouver NANAIMO – Ernie and Astrid Shorrocks received an electric shock when they opened their BC Hydro Bill. It was twice as much as the previous ones. They say the smart meter is to blame. In November, BC Hydro installed a smart meter to the Shorrocks home. Their January […]

Human Rights Tribunal Update

Reply to BC Hydro’s filing with Human Rights Tribunal. Citizens for Safe Technology Society is asking for accommodation of those with medical diagnosis where doctor is advising patient should not be exposed to wireless smart meter for health reasons. Read PDF

Vancouver Sun, Black Press: gatekeepers for BC Liberals’ smart meter program

by  George Wells Ever since the “smart” meter controversy began in British Columbia over a year ago, the media has been suspiciously quiet. If it hadn’t been for various letters to the editor—the only method of debate the corporate media is allowing—and a few scant pieces on the TV news, British Columbians might not even know […]

Another BC City Hall asks for Opt Out

Maple Ridge council calls for choice on Smart Meters Maple Ridge council voted Tuesday to send a letter to B.C. Hydro urging the provincial power utility to respect citizens right to opt out of the controversial $900 million project to replace the province’s 1.8 million power meters. Black Press/Files By Robert Mangelsdorf – Maple […]

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