Archive for category cell phone

Poll says 88% agree to No cell phones in school classrooms

Victoria school bans cellphones after accommodating them doesn’t work

Central Middle School tried to find learning opportunities for cellphones, but it didn’t pan out Liam Britten · CBC News · Posted: May 15, 2017 11:04 PM PT | Last Updated: May 15, 2017 The principal says even when students were told to keep their cell phones tucked away in their lockers, many would use […]

Most popular cell phones Fail Canadian safety standards – Investigation

PR Newswire  March 27, 2017 OTTAWA, March 27, 2017 /CNW/ – The Federal Government should warn the Canadian public that cell phones tested as they are used by Canadians – touching the skin – have failed Health Canada’s safety standards, but are still available for sale. On Friday CBC Marketplace revealed it had tested the top […]

CBC MarketPlace : The secret inside your phone   BROADCAST DATE : MAR 24, 2017 As new science fuels the debate about cellphone safety, Wendy Mesley returns for a special investigation. Wendy takes a closer look at a little known message inside your cellphone’s settings and manual telling you to keep the device 5 to 15 mm away from your body. We […]

Magnetic Fields from Your Cell Phone

Health Minister Caught Misleading Canadians about Safety of their Wireless Devices

OTTAWA, Oct. 11, 2016 /CNW Canada’s Health Minister Jane Philpott has contradicted the findings of a Parliamentary Health Committee report which recommends the government start warning Canadians that their wireless devices can cause cancer. In response to letters from parents whose children have developed symptoms from exposure to wireless devices Philpott wrote: “There is no scientific evidence of health effects,” […]

Ninth Circuit Court Judge Friedland’s Conflict of Interest

Ninth Circuit Court Judge Friedland’s Conflict of Interest   On September 13 th, 2016 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals he ard the CTIA- Wireless Association’s appeal in their lawsuit against the City of Berkeley’s Cell Phone Right to Know ordinance which was implemented in March, 2016. A decision has not yet been rendered. Video of hearing […]

Mandatory Exposure to Microwave Radiation In Our Schools Has Left 11 Year Old With No Where To Go To School

ParentsforSafeSchool‏  and  SafeinSchoolOrg 8:24 AM – 21 Jul 2016 Tyler is one of many children who is suffering from the mandatory exposure to the wireless technology that has been installed in our schools. Parents are frustrated with having to deal with School Boards who are willfully turning a blind eye to the thousands of […]

Obama connects to 5G with wireless initiative

Mike Snider  – USA TODAY  July 15, 2016 President Obama is lending his support to the development of faster, more robust 5G wireless networks. The president on Friday announced a $400 million Advanced Wireless Research Initiative to boost research for next-generation mobile networks. As part of the research, four city-sized testing grounds for 5G wireless services will […]

Allergic to Wi-Fi? (CBS)

The Doctors (CBS)   Jul 13, 2016 Can you be allergic to Wi-Fi? Chemical electromagnetic-sensitivity expert Dr. Lisa Nagy joins The Doctors to increase awareness about this very real condition.

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