Archive for category rash

5G Causing Illnesses, Stabbing Feeling, Migraines, Dizziness, Vertigo, Skin Rashes, Blurred Vision And More

by BECKY PLOTNER Elizabeth Plourde, CLS, CNMP, PhD noticed the large issues with 5G when many of her clients turned up horrifically ill after getting a new phone with 5G. Some were getting a stabbing feeling, others were getting migraines, dizziness, vertigo, skin rashes, blurred vision and other illnesses. As someone who suffers from the […]

5G is started in Stockholm

May 25, 2020 By admin Today, Telia, Ericsson and the government celebrate the launch of 5G in Stockholm despite widespread criticism from researchers, doctors, organizations and many citizens who believe that 5G leads to serious health and environmental consequences. There is no complete research showing that 5G does not lead to serious harm to human […]

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