Archive for category Cuba

Havana Syndrome Injuries from High Powered Microwaves

DEC 30, 2024 – Former Intelligence Officer Claims Career Ending Injuries Caused By Foreign Directed Energy Weapon Leaked Defense Department Letter Acknowledges Injuries and Experiences “Are Real”

CIA Report Says “Havana Syndrome” May Be Caused by “environmental factors, unidentified health problems and stress”

JANUARY 2, 2023 “A phased investigation report released by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency on the 20th believes that most of the so-called “Havana syndrome” among U.S. embassy personnel may be caused by environmental factors, unidentified health problems and stress. It is not caused by the large-scale use of “secret weapons” by a hostile country.”

American diplomat suffered 20 brain injuries in ‘sonic attack’ that affected dozens of staff in Cuba and China – but what caused them is still a mystery, new study says

December 20, 2019 – A US diplomat stationed in China who suffered 20 brain injuries that affected his short-term memory, taste, emotion and movement may have been in a ‘sonic attack’ – but what exactly caused the injuries remains a mystery.

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