For Immediate Release 15,03,2011
The EM Radiation Health Alliance of BC is calling for a halt to the Smart Meter Program and announces the launch of their
“Power to the People – Stop Smart Meters”, Campaign.
Co-chair Walt McGinnis and members of the EMR Health Alliance will be putting Hydro representative’s feet to the fire between 6 and 9 PM tonight at Simon Fraser Harbor Centre at 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver BC, Canada.
“BC Hydro must end the charade of pretending they are consulting with the public in their so called “Smart” meter program information sessions.
BC Hydro must hold formal public hearings which will put their explanations of their program on the record. The people of BC who own BC Hydro deserve straight answers.
In the information session in Victoria, BC Hydro representatives contradicted themselves, were unable to answer many questions, and passed out false information.
They contradicted themselves when they said that some people could opt out of the program for health reasons and further into the meeting they said there would be no opting out.
They said that the program would save on energy consumption and then they had no examples where this actually happened in other jurisdictions where these meters are installed.
Hydro said these meters only operated on average for a few minutes a day. These meters operate continuously emitting Radio Frequency Radiation at a low power density and send a powerful pulse of energy every few minutes. What Hydro means by the term on average is they add up all the pulses that take up a few micro seconds each so that the sum is a few minutes a day. The public deserves straight answers, not sophistry”, McGinnis
“Public confusion is what happens when BC Hydro does not hold formal, on the record public hearings. We will not stand for it,” states McGinnis
Premier Christy Clark should take a second look at smart meters especially by examining their failure to live up to their claims of energy conservation in other jurisdictions”, says McGinnis.
At a 1 billion dollar price tag for BC, this means Hydro customers will have to save hundreds of millions of kilowatt hours of electricity in drastically-reduced consumption before citizens will see any financial benefit.
Its doubtful there will be any reduction in the consumption of electrical energy, especially since there have been no reductions in any areas in the world where these wireless meters have been installed.
Because wireless hydro meters emit radio frequency radiation (RFR), this program will not only hurt our pocket books it will also harm our health.” McGinnis warns.
“The Smart meter program is another ecologically disastrous project that is financially devastating for BC Hydro and ultimately British Columbians. There is nothing “smart” about this program”, advises McGinnis
“These meters have surveillance capabilities that the companies are not required to report on; this threatens our privacy and security as laid out in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms” states McGinnis.
So-called Smart meters are being installed all around the world with much protest from consumers.
The ruling B.C. Liberal Party is now implementing a smart grid plan, beginning with the Gulf Islands and in Burnaby/Richmond, that will blanket the province with yet another layer of RF radiation
The $1 billion estimate to replace existing hydro meters with wireless meters is to pay independent contractors, to provide installation and software services. Some of the companies have close connections to the BC Liberals. Please read:
Accenture, formally known as Arthur Anderson Consulting, is the largest global management, technology service and outsourcing company in the world. It is registered in Hamilton, Bermuda. Now the business arm of BC Hydro, they are making a decision that could lead to ruin for our Crown Corporation.
“Accenture has made a series of decisions regarding the Run of River projects, the Site C Dam and the Smart meter implementation with out the proper consultation that occurs in a democratic society. Citizens of BC have been left out of the decision making process.” Claims McGinnis
The new BC liberal premier Christie Clark should live up to her campaign promises of protecting the family and for open and honest government by reversing the dictatorial Gordon Campbell policy of removing the BC Utilities Commission from overseeing the Smart Meter Program.
The BC Utilities Commission could then hold formal public hearings to examine how Accenture has put BC Hydro into serious financial jeopardy, and has embarked on a new hydro meter program that scientists predict will have devastating health consequences for the province.
Many scientific studies have shown a link between exposure to RFR – such as emitted by wireless smart meters and a host of ailments including serious diseases such as heart arrhythmia and tachycardia, and various forms of cancer. These emissions are at harmful levels, according to Dr. Magda Havas an environmental toxicologist from Trent University in Ontario.
Walter Patrick McGinnis
Co- chair, EM Radiation Health Alliance
250 652 5606 on Vancouver Island
#1 by brownie on April 5, 2011 - 2:16 am
if as u say, bc hydro is owned by the people of bc then the people of bc should be able to easily step on these paracitic bugs and the liberal freinds should be able to be charged with fraud aand incarcerated for a very long time. yup, good luck with that.
#2 by Myra on April 11, 2011 - 5:45 pm
I only just read about the health concerns related to smart meters in CCPA’s Monitor. I do not want one of these meters in my home but I’m not sure I’ll be able to opt out. Someone is making a lot of money off this deal which is so typical of the ‘Liberals.’ They are going to impose a ‘solution’ on BC’s citizens for which there is no problem and that will ultimately benefit their cronies.
#3 by Karen Mitchelll on September 29, 2011 - 8:31 am
I have started a campaign to rather the mommies. BC Hydro dares say they don’t care what we think? I will be sending this information as well as the appropriate letter to refuse to hundreds of mothers who i have faith will take action. Thankyou for your work!
#4 by Angela on October 4, 2011 - 11:41 am
When people have real health concerns and say they want more testing….and govt responds by saying they’re just going to go ahead….then govt once again is dictating to us…the big reason…just follow the money! Seems to me this smacks of “occupy wall street”….where the 99% don’t have a say!
Pingback: Smart Meters | Wireless Radiation Safety Council
#5 by Carmen Leveille on November 30, 2011 - 11:40 am
What can someone do if they rent? Also what can be done once they’re in place?
#6 by admin on December 1, 2011 - 8:46 am
Please check out and follow the renting / apartments
#7 by Beth Labaugh on December 6, 2012 - 4:57 pm
I am looking at buying a house that seems to be right across the street from a smart meter repeater unit on top of a telephone pole. I can’t find much info. on the repeaters. How much farther away should I be from them than from the smart meter i.e. how much more powerful are they?
#8 by admin on February 13, 2013 - 9:00 pm
The farther away the better. Keep in mind most are not turned on yet. Some home owners beside some routers have already decided to move