Smart Meters operating in Richmond BC 智能电表已在列治文

Just south of the intersection of Westminister Highway and Number One Road in Richmond, BC, there are a handful of homes with BC Hydro wireless smart meters in operation.  People who are sensitive to wireless devices (EHS) photographed the antenna that was installed to collect the data from these homes. Comments about the few minutes […]

CTV : Debate over Smart Meters

Critics question safety of smart meters – BC Hydro is rolling out its new smart meter program this month and there have already been a number of critics questioning the program. The high-tech devices aren’t even installed yet and they’re already stirring up a lot of controversy. Some say they’re an invasion of privacy, while others say it could increase your risk of cancer.

Local Concern Over Smart Meter Installations

By Michelle Cyr-Whiting Saturday, August 06, 2011 12:30 PM Prince George, B.C. When Marina Jang first heard about BC Hydro’s smart metering program she was encouraged to hear the key phrases: ‘clean’, ‘green’, and ‘energy-saving’. Her initial reaction has changed to one of mounting concern as she digs deeper into growing criticism, world-wide, of the […]

Intelligence of new smart meters being questioned

Hans Karow guards his old meter with locks and a sign because he doesn’t want to switch to the new smart meter, which B.C. Hydro plans to install by the end of 2012. By Wade Paterson – Kelowna Capital News Published: August 04, 2011 B.C. Hydro plans to have smart meters installed in every West […]

Nanaimo : Hydro’s smart meters cause stir

Nanaimo woman will speak before city council next month; Greens want hearings by Darrell Bellaart    July 30, 2011 Growing public concerns surrounding B.C. Hydro’s plans to use radio waves to transmit data on home power consumption will soon be heard at Nanaimo city council. A Nanaimo spokeswoman for Citizens for Safe Technology will go before […]

Vander Zalm mulls a fight against Smart Meters

by Jonathan Fowlie    July 29., 2011 In fighting the Harmonized Sales Tax, Former premier Bill Vander Zalm has regained significant public attention and profile. But what will happen when the referendum is over, and HST issue is finally put to rest? Vander Zalm was asked about this Thursday on CBC’s Power and Politics, and offered a surprising […]

Privacy commissioner investigates BC Hydro smart meters

The Canadian Press Posted: Jul 28, 2011 5:04 PM PT Last Updated: Jul 28, 2011 5:04 PM PT British Columbia’s privacy commissioner has launched an investigation into BC Hydro’s Smart Meter program after complaints that the information collected by the device breaches personal privacy. Elizabeth Denham said Thursday that the investigation will ensure that the […]

Residents concerned by Smart Meter plan

BC Hydro plans to finalize installation of their new “Smart Meters,” but the change has residents around Victoria and the province spooked — not just for the potential billing changes, but for concerns over privacy, effectiveness and, of course, the health of electromagnetic Residents concerned by Smart Meter plan POSTED BY: DANIELLE POPE 07/27/2011 12:00 […]

Elizabeth May wages war against WiFi

  DANIEL LEBLANC OTTAWA JULY 28, 2011 The Green Party is waging war against WiFi pollution, and Elizabeth May is leading by example. Ms. May, who was the first Green candidate to win a seat in the House of Commons in the last election, took to Twitter on Wednesday lay out her concerns over “electromagnetic […]

‘Abundance’ of scientific evidence of dangers of smart meters

Smart meters could triple hydro rates July 27, 2011 Dear Mayor, Council, and Editor: Smart meters have been installed in several U.S. states and in Ontario, and we should be benefiting from their experiences. Many serious problems have been reported, regardless of the location or brand of meter. It follows that these same problems will […]

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