Bell, Telus give 5G contracts to Europeans, Huawei shut out

  ROB GILLIES  Associated Press  2020-06-02 TORONTO (AP) — Two of Canada’s three major telecommunication companies announced Tuesday they’ve decided not to use Chinese tech giant Huawei for their next-generation 5G wireless network. Bell Canada announced that Sweden-based Ericsson will be its supplier and Telus Corp. later announced that it had also selected Ericsson and […]

Winnipeg inches closer to 5G network trials

James Snell Publishing date: Jun 15, 2020 The city is inching closer to having trials of a 5G cellular network in Winnipeg – some residents are raising the alarm. Members of the community and city councillors discussed the implementation of 5G during a Standing Policy Committee on Innovation and Economic Development on Monday. The result […]

European Union Council: repression and jail for those who report the health dangers of 5G. Doctors, scientists and activists at risk

EXCLUSIVE by Maurizio Martucci The news that will make the international movement Stop 5G tremble comes from Brussels: the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union has sent all delegates the conclusions entitled “Shaping Europe’s digital future“, approved by written procedure on 9 June 2020. Among the 24 pages of the document, which […]

Schools Turn to Surveillance Tech to Prevent Covid-19 Spread

Administrators hope tracking beacons will identify where students congregate and who should be isolated if someone contracts the coronavirus. WIRED 06.05.2020 When Students return to school in New Albany, Ohio, in August, they’ll be carefully watched as they wander through red-brick buildings and across well-kept lawns—and not only by teachers. The school district, with five schools and […]

Bell launches initial 5G network in the GTA, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Montreal

The carrier’s 5G access is $10 a month but is being offered for free until March 31, 2021 By Aisha Malik@AiishaMalik1 JUN 11, 2020 Montreal-based national carrier, Bell, has launched its initial 5G network in the Greater Toronto Area, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary and Edmonton. “Bell 5G customers in Montreal, the GTA, Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver will have access […]

Thousands of people injured by 5G cell towers installed on their homes, are presenting their case to the FCC

Wednesday, June 10, 2020 by: Lance D Johnson (Natural News) In 2019, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) expanded the over-the-air reception device (OTARD) rule to allow fixed wireless providers to deploy hub-and-relay antennas more quickly and efficiently, expanding 5G networks. For 5G to work, thousands of new, small cell antennae must be installed, in greater numbers and closer […]

Schools being upgraded to 60GHZ

Reports of side effects from Schools that have 60GHZ wireless installed

Hvar suspends introduction of 5G technology June 6, 2020   ZAGREB, June 6 (Hina) – The Town of Hvar on the southern Adriatic island of the same name has suspended the introduction of 5G technology until an independent and impartial study proves that such technology has no negative impact on humans and the environment, the Town Council decided unanimously earlier this week. […]

Ronald Melnick, Phd Comments On The Fcc’s Proposed Rule On Human Exposure To Radiofrequency

May 31, 2020 Facebook Twitter Comments on the FCC’s Proposed Rule (Docket No. 19-226): “Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields” Submitted by Ronald Melnick, PhD Senior Toxicologist, National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, now retired Download Ronald Melnick, PhD Comments on the FCC’s Proposed Rule (Docket No. 19-226): “Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic […]

Kelowna hosts 5G Pilot project

The City of Kelowna has agreed to be a pilot “5G smart city” — beginning with monitoring pedestrian and vehicle traffic. This is the type of “smart city” that Toronto rejected, based on concerns that privacy would be invaded. So why is Kelowna doing this?  People need to get organized and look at this by […]

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