Atomic Homefront

Atomic Homefront documents the citizens of Coldwater Creek in Bridgeton, Missouri who want answers about the radioactive waste dumped in neighborhood landfills.  

5G Cell Service Is Coming. Who Decides Where it Goes?

  A concept design, left, and two other designs showing how streetlights and utility poles can be modified with equipment,  often accompanied by a container on the ground that can be disguised as a mailbox, to deliver 5G cellular signals. Credit From left: Crown Castle International; Scientists for Wired Technology; City of Lincoln, Neb   […]

Ottawa house fire, Power Surges in Neighbouring homes

An Ottawa home catches fire from surge at electrical meter, while 5 or 6 homes next door also had surges / burn marks   Neighbours also experienced power surge April 17, 2018 Dana Laflamme’s electrical panel now has a large burn mark beside it. There are many examples of power surges occurring causing fires, […]

Rogers, Ericsson to test 5G technology in Toronto, Ottawa

Rogers, which is upgrading its existing network, expects 5G wireless technology to be ready for prime time by 2020 EMILY JACKSON Published on: April 16, 2018 | Last Updated: April 16, 2018 5:18 PM EDT   Rogers Communications Inc. has partnered with Ericsson to test 5G wireless technology in Toronto and Ottawa, following its top […]

B.C. Hydro revisits plan to build substation under Vancouver school

BC Hydro and the Vancouver School Board are revisiting the idea of building a new underground substation at the Lord Roberts Annex property in the West End and will begin consultation with the community in the coming weeks.  B.C. HYDRO / PNG  SCOTT BROWN  More from Scott Brown Published on: April 12, 2018 | Last Updated: April 12, […]

Spain : Telefonica turns cities into ‘living laboratories’ for 5G

By Sead Fadilpašić January 24, 2018 Citizens of two Spanish cities will be able to help test 5G for the next two years.   Telefonica has announced a major new project to help it test out 5G technology. The Spanish telecoms operator has revealed it will be turning two Spanish cities, Segovia and Talavera de […]

Beware of the waves of your mobile phone: “A health scandal” could soon be revealed

Posted on April 14, 2018 at 6:00 AM We are close to the health scandal in France because of the waves emitted by a mobile phone. Is it the only one that emits too much? Where are we in Belgium? A telephone has been removed from the sale in France because it exceeds the health threshold of the […]

Opinion: We need to ban or limit smartphone use in schools

SPENCER BAINES Updated: April 3, 2018 SHAREADJUSTCOMMENTPRINT It’s 8:30 a.m. and I’m standing in front of a sea of teenagers huddled at their desks, their heads uniformly turned downward, the blue light of their smartphones illuminating their faces. For a moment, I feel like I’m living an episode of Black Mirror, a satirical Netflix series that takes […]

New Mexico rejects PNM Smart Meter proposal — “it does not promote the public interest”

Posted on April 11, 2018 by April 11, 2018 “The  plan presented in the Application does not provide a net public benefit and it does not promote the public interest.” — New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, April 11, 2018 Recommended Decision 3-19-18 Final Decision, 4-11-18 Case No. 15-00312-UT Today, the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission denied […]

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The town facing a ‘humanitarian crisis’ caused by the radiation from state-of-the-art street lamps: Residents have endured insomnia, nose bleeds and even stillbirths, scientist claims

Mark Steele is aware of three women who lost babies since lights were installed One local resident gave birth to a deformed child that survived just three hours Research suggests light transmitters prevent healthy cell and gene expression Such radiation has been linked to cancer, insomnia and mental-health disorders Past research found Wi-Fi radiation increases […]

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